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AUB Faculty and Staff Book Publications: 2019-Present: Archaeological Museum

Explore monograph and chapter publications authored, edited, or translated by AUB faculty and staff between 2019 and to date.

Books by year

APA citation:

Soueid Fakhoury, L. (Ed.). (2023). Les peintures murales médiévales de Sainte-Marina de Qalamoun: Dévotion et sainteté au féminin dans le Liban-Nord. Université de Balamand. [scientific committee: May Fatté Davie, Nadine Panayot Haroun, Annemarie Weyl Carr]

Book chapters by year

APA citation:

Badre, L. (2019). The Archaeological Museum of the American University of Beirut and its educational role: A case study. In G. Emberling & L. P. Petit (Eds.), Museums and the ancient Middle East: Curatorial practice and audiences (pp. 196-209). Routledge.