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AUB Faculty and Staff Book Publications: 2019-Present: Landscape Design and Ecosystem Management (LDEM)

Explore monograph and chapter publications authored, edited, or translated by AUB faculty and staff between 2019 and to date.
Prior to 2024, Landscape Design and Ecosystem Management was a department under Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Books by year

APA citation:

Funck, D., Dreksler, B., & Fetzer, E. (2023). People, landscape, sustainability: A handbook for community innovation promoters. Cuvillier Verlag.

APA citation:

Al-Harithy, H., & Makhzoumi, J. (2019). Aleppo: An urban and landscape design studio. American University of Beirut (Department of Architecture and Design). Available at UL

APA citation:

Hamin Infield, E. M., Abunnasr, Y., & Ryan, R. L. (Eds.). (2019). Planning for climate change: A reader in green infrastructure and sustainable design for resilient cities. Routledge. Available at UL

Books and book chapters by year

APA citations:

Daou, A., El Zeenni, L., Hourani, A., & Talhouk, S. N. (2024). Ecotourism and grand challenges: A Gen-Z perspective in the context of Lebanon. In S. W. Maingi, V. G. B. Gowreesunkar, & M. E. Korstanje (Eds.), Tourist behaviour and the new normal, Volume II: Implications for sustainable tourism development (pp. 339-356). Springer Nature Switzerland. Available at UL

Talhouk, S. N., Abi Ali, R., Forrest, A., & Abunnasr, Y. (2024). Ancillary botanic gardens: A case study of the American University of Beirut. In T. Pullaiah & D. A. Galbraith (Eds.), Botanical gardens and their role in plant conservation: Asian botanical gardens (pp. 81-94). CRC Press. 

Zurayk, R. (2024). Catalysts of change: MENA universities' journey towards sustainability and climate change mitigation‎. In W. L. Filho, M. Sima, A. L. Salvia, M. Kovaleva, & E. Manolas (Eds.), University initiatives on climate change education and research. Springer. Available at UL

APA citations:

Itani, M., Talhouk, S. N., El-Hajj, W., Nasrallah, N., & Abou Fakher, H. (2023). Défis et opportunités de la recherche collaborative dans les réserves de biosphère en Méditerranée. In A. Barthes, C. Cibien, & B. Romagny (Eds.), Réserves de biosphère et objectifs de développement durable 1: Enjeux scientifiques et pratiques éducatives en Méditerranée (Vol. 2, pp. 63-78). ISTE Editions.

Makhzoumi, J. (2023). Reflections on landscape and landscape architecture education in the Arab Middle East. In Dr. Bruns & S. Hennecke (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of landscape architecture education (pp. 303-314). Taylor & Francis. Available at UL

APA citations:

Itani, M., Nasrallah, N., & Talhouk, S. N. (2022). Conserving native plants in Lebanese coastal towns and villages. In D. A. DellaSala & M. I. Goldstein (Eds.), Imperiled: The encyclopedia of conservation (pp. 665-672). Elsevier.

Itani, M., Talhouk, S. N., El-Hajj, W., Nasrallah, N., & AbouFakher, H. (2022). Challenges and opportunities of collaborative research on biosphere reserves in the Mediterranean. In A. Barthes, C. Cibien, & B. Romagny (Eds.), Mediterranean biosphere reserves: The nexus for environmental management, education and research (pp. 31-45). Edu-BioMed. 

Makhzoumi, J., & Al-Sabbagh, S. (2022). Reconceptualising coastal rivers and streams. In G. Pungetti (Ed.), Routledge handbook of seascapes (pp. 306-322). Routledge.

APA citations:

Makhzoumi, J. (2021). Beirut's public realm and the discourse of landscape citizenships. In T. Waterman, J. Wolff, & E. Wall (Eds.), Landscape citizenships: Ecological, watershed and bioregional citizenships (pp. 182-204). Routledge. Available at UL

Trovato, M. G. (2021). Spatial inequalities and marginalization: Displaced Syrians in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon. In T. Waterman, J. Wolff, & E. Wall (Eds.), Landscape citizenships: Ecological, watershed and bioregional citizenships (pp. 145-163). Routledge. Available at UL

Zurayk, R. (2021). Of seeds and wars: A political ecology of seeds in the formerly fertile ‎crescent‎. In B. G. Karlsson & A. Rabo (Eds.), Seedways: The circulation, control and care of plants in a warming world. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien.

APA citations:

Abunnasr, Y. (2020). The landscape as a basic unit for integrated energy planning in the Mediterranean. In A. L. Palazzo & F. Benelli (Eds.), Energy planning in Mediterranean landscapes: Innovation paths in practices and careers (pp. 49-55). Quodlibet. Available at UL

Tan, A., Adanacioğlu, N., Tuğrul Ay, S., Batal, M., Ghattas, H., & Talhouk, S. N. (2022). Where the wild things are. In D. Hunter, E. Monville-Oro, B. Burgos, C. Nyhria Rogel, B. Calub, J. Gonsalves, & N. Lauridsen (Eds.), Agrobiodiversity, school gardens and healthy diets: Promoting biodiversity, food and sustainable nutrition (pp. 267-275). Routledge. Available at UL

APA citations:

Abunnasr, Y., & Hamin Infield, E. M. (2019). The green infrastructure transect: An organizational framework for mainstreaming adaptation planning policies. In E. M. Hamin Infield, Y. Abunnasr, & R. L. Ryan (Eds.), Planning for climate change: A reader in green infrastructure and sustainable design for resilient cities (pp. 184-194). Routledge. Available at UL

Hamin Infield, E. M., Abunnasr, Y., & Ryan R. L. (2019). Book introduction. In E. M. Hamin Infield, Y. Abunnasr, & R. L. Ryan (Eds.), Planning for climate change: A reader in green infrastructure and sustainable design for resilient cities (pp. 1-6). Routledge. Available at UL

Mueller, L., Eulenstein, F., Mirschel, W., Antrop, M., Jones, M., McKenzie, B. M., Dronin, N. M., Kazakov, L. K., Kravchenko, V. V., & Khoroshev, A. V., Gerasimova, M., Dannowski, R., Schindler, U., Ruhovich, O., Sychev, V. G., Sheudzhen, A., Couvet, D., Robinson, G. M., Blum, W., Joniak, T., Eisendle, U., Trovato, M. G., ... Kienast, F. (2019). Landscapes, their exploration and utilisation: Status and trends of landscape research. In L. Mueller & F. Eulenstein (Eds.), Current trends in landscape research (pp. 105-164). Springer. Available at UL
Talhouk, S. N., Baalbaki, R., Haydar, S., Kays, W., Kayed, S., Al-Hindi, M., & Saliba, N. A. (2019). Contextualizing openness: A case study in water quality testing in Lebanon. In L. Chan, A. Okune, R. Hillyer, D. Albornoz, & A. Posada (Eds.), Contextualizing openness: Situating open science (pp. 107-121). University of Ottawa Press.

Trovato, M. G., & Ali, D. (2019). Planning tools for the protection of the natural and cultural heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean area. In L. Mueller & F. Eulenstein (Eds.), Current trends in landscape research (pp. 467-486). Springer. Available at UL