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AUB Faculty and Staff Book Publications: 2019-Present: Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (MS​FEA)

Explore monograph and chapter publications authored, edited, or translated by AUB faculty and staff between 2019 and to date.

This section highlights books and book chapters authored, edited, or translated by faculty and staff from departments of AUB's Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture sorted by year.

Citations are provided in APA format.

Geo-Risk 2023: Innovation in Data and Analysis Methods
Geo-Risk 2023: Hazards and Climate Change
Geo-Risk 2023: Advances in Modeling Uncertainty and Variability
Geo-Risk 2023: Developments in Reliability, Risk, and Resilience
9th Mahmoud Kahil Award
سفر إلى عوالم متباينة
8th Mahmoud Kahil Award
Retail Space Analytics
Computational fluid dynamics: an introduction to modeling and applications
Graphic Narratives from Lebanon's 2019 Popular Uprisings
Spirituality Rekindled
Bayesian Applications in Environmental and Ecological Studies with R and Stan
7th Mahmoud Kahil Award
ست سنوات في بلدية بيروت- انجازات وتحديات
Urban recovery : intersecting displacement wiht post war reconstruction
The Architecture of Yemen and Its Reconstruction
Inclusive University Built Environments : The Impact of Approved Document M for Architects, Designers, and Engineers 
Aleppo : an urban and landscape design studio
6th Mahmoud Kahil Award
5th Mahmoud Kahil Award
Mechanism, Machine, Robotics and Mechatronics Sciences