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AUB Faculty and Staff Book Publications: 2019-Present: Management, Marketing & Entrepreneurship

Explore monograph and chapter publications authored, edited, or translated by AUB faculty and staff between 2019 and to date.

Books by year

APA citation:

Sidani, Y. (Ed.). (2025). Routledge handbook on business and management in the Middle East. Routledge.

APA citation:

Metcalfe, B. D., & Makarem, Y. (2024). Feminism, diversity and HRD. Routledge.

APA citation:

Sidani, Y. M. (2022). Responsible management in theory and practice in Muslim societies. Emerald Publishing Group. 

APA citation:

Batat, W. (2021). Experiential marketing: Case studies in customer experience. Routledge.

APA citations:

Laasch, O., Suddaby, R., Freeman, R. E., & Jamali, D. (Eds.). (2020). Research handbook of responsible management. Edward Elgar Publishing. Available at UL

APA citation:

Batat, W. (2019). Digital luxury: transforming brands and consumer experiences. SAGE publications. Available at UL

APA citation:

Batat, W. (2019). Experiential marketing: Consumer behavior. customer experience and the 7Es. Routledge.

APA citation:

Batat, W. (Ed.). (2019). Food and experiential marketing: Pleasure, wellbeing, and consumption. Routledge.

APA citation:

Batat, W. (2019). The new luxury experience: Creating the ultimate customer experience. Springer. Available at UL

APA citation:

Osuji, O., Ngwu, F. N., & Jamali, D. (Eds.). (2019). Corporate social responsibility in developing and emerging markets: Institutions, actors and sustainable development. Cambridge University Press. Available at UL

APA citation:

Sidani, Y. M. (2019). A spring aborted: How authoritarianism violates women's rights in the Arab world. Emerald Publishing Group. Available at UL

Book chapters by year

APA citation:

Daou, A., El Zeenni, L., Hourani, A., & Talhouk, S. N. (2024). Ecotourism and grand challenges: A Gen-Z perspective in the context of Lebanon. In S. W. Maingi, V. G. B. Gowreesunkar, & M. E. Korstanje (Eds.), Tourist behaviour and the new normal, Volume II: Implications for sustainable tourism development (pp. 339-356). Springer Nature Switzerland. Available at UL

APA citations:

Itani, M., & Daou, A. (2023). Breaking boundaries: The case of women tech-entrepreneurs in Lebanon. In G. de Jong, N. Faber, E. Folmer, T. Long, & B. Ünal (Eds.), De Gruyter Handbook of sustainable entrepreneurship research (pp. 407-422). De Gruyter. 

Sidani, Y. M. (2023). Ethics and leadership in Islam between universalist principles and utilitarian ends. In N. El-Bassiouny, A. Amin, & J. A. J. Wilson (Eds.), What makes a balanced leader? An Islamic perspective (pp. 31-44). De Gruyter. 

Sidani, Y., & Kaissi, Y. (2023). Leadership dynamics and institutional logics in family firms in Arab culture. In S. K. Dhiman, J. Marques, J. Schmieder-Ramirez, & P. G. Malakyan (Eds.), Handbook of global leadership and followership: Integrating the best leadership and followership (pp. 1-23). Springer. Available at UL

APA citations:

Helal, G. (2022). Social media, online brand communities, and customer engagement in the fashion industry. In Information Resources Management Association (Ed.), Research anthology on social media advertising and building consumer relationships (pp. 1823-1852). IGI Global. 

Joseph, J. (2022). Entrepreneurship, peace, and institutions in the Middle East and North Africa Region. In S. Sindakis & S. Aggarwal (Eds.), Entrepreneurial rise in the Middle East and North Africa: The influence of quadruple helix on technological innovation (pp. 53-66). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Karam, C. (2022). Understanding diversity in the Lebanese workplace: legal protections in the context of protracted crises and occupation. In A. Klarsfeld, L. Knappert, A. Kornau, E. S. Ng & F. W. Ngunijiri (Eds.), Research handbook on new frontiers of equality and diversity at work (pp. 132-159). Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. Available at UL

Ourahmoune, N., & El Jurdi, H. (2022). Marketing and the missing feminisms: Decolonial feminism, and the Arab Spring. In P. Maclaran, L. Stevens, & O. Kravets (Eds.), The Routledge companion to marketing and feminism (pp. 257-267). Routledge.

Sidani, Y. (2022). How business schools can graduate business citizens. In A. Örtenblad & R. Koris (Eds.), Debating business school legitimacy: Attacking, rocking, and defending the status quo (pp. 217-233). Palgrave Macmillan. Available at UL

Sidani, Y. (2022). State capitalism in the Middle East. In M. Wright, G. T. Wood, A. Cuervo-Cazurra, P. Sun, I. Okhmatovskiy, & A. Grosman (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of state capitalism and the firm (pp. 579-592). Oxford University Press. Available at UL

Sidani, Y., & Kaissi, Y. (2022). Why leaders are necessary. In F. Hertel, A. Örtenblad, & K. Mølbjerg Jørgensen (Eds.), Debating leaderless management: Can employees do without leaders? (pp. 211-226). Palgrave Macmillan. Available at UL

APA citations:

Helal, G., & Ozuem, W. (2021). Social media and social identity in the millennial generation. In Information Resources Management Association (Ed.), Research anthology on strategies for using social media as a service and tool in business (pp. 161-200). IGI Global. 

Kleib, S., Afiouni, F., & Srour, I. (2021). Labor management in the Lebanese construction industry. In D. Belman, J. Druker, & G. White (Eds.), Work and labor relations in the construction industry: An international perspective (pp. 133-154). Routledge.

Samara, G., & Terzian, J. (2021). Challenges and opportunities for digital entrepreneurship in developing countries. In M. Soltanifar, M. Hughes, & L. Göcke (Eds.), Digital entrepreneurship impact on business and society (pp. 283-302). Springer. Available at UL

Zeinoun, P., & Daouk-Öyry, L. (2021). Combining global and local approaches in psycholexical studies: Glocal illustrations from studies on Arabic. In M. Bender & B. G. Adams (Eds.), Methods and assessment in culture and psychology (pp. 228-252). Cambridge University Press. Available at UL

APA citations:

Helal, G., & Ozuem, W. (2020). Social identity matters: Social media and brand perceptions in the fashion apparel and accessories industries. In Information Resources Management Association (Ed.), Global branding: Breakthroughs in research and practice (pp. 846-881). IGI Global. 

Laasch, O., Suddaby, R., Freeman, R. E., & Jamali, D. (2020). Mapping the emerging field of responsible management: Domains, spheres, themes, and future research. In O. Laasch, R. Suddaby, E. Freeman & D. Jamali (Eds.), Research handbook of responsible management (pp. 2-39). Edward Elgar Publishing. Available at UL

Metcalfe, B., Makarem, Y., & Afiouni, F. (2020). Critical feminist organization studies and talent management: Re-imagining transnational, inter-sectional and post-colonial agendas. In S. Swailes (Ed.), Managing talent: A critical appreciation (pp. 145-162). Emerald Publishing. 10.1108/978-1-83909-093-620201011

Sidani, Y. (2020). Islamic perspective of responsible management. In O. Laasch, R. Suddaby, E. Freeman & D. Jamali (Eds.), Research handbook of responsible management (pp. 277-291). Edward Elgar Publishing. Available at UL

APA citation:

Andrieu, J., & Batat, W. (2019). TV cuisine therapy through narrative cooking programs: How does culinary journalism contribute to food pleasure and wellbeing? In W. Batat (Ed.), Food and experiential marketing: Pleasure, wellbeing, and consumption (pp. 57-70). Routledge.

Batat, W. (2019). Introduction to the experiential pleasure of food: How does pleasure advance consumer wellbeing and promote healthy eating behaviors? In W. Batat (Ed.), Food and experiential marketing: Pleasure, wellbeing, and consumption (pp. 1-15). Routledge.

Jamali, D., Samara, G. & Hossary, M. (2019). Corporate social responsibility and development: The case of international business firms in emerging economies. In P. Lund-Thomsen, M. Wendelboe Hansen, & A. Lindgreen (Eds.), Business and development studies: Issues and perspectives (pp. 286-309). Routledge.

Joseph, J., & Sümer, F. (2019). Public sector reforms in the Kurdistan region of Iraq: Tackling the socially constructed barriers to change. In A. Anaid & E. E. Tugdar (Eds.), Iraqi Kurdistan’s statehood aspirations: A political economy approach (pp. 125-153). Palgrave Macmillan. Available at UL

Ngwu, F., Osuji, O., & Jamali, D. (2019). Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development in developing and emerging markets: Looking forward. In O. Osuji, F. Ngwu, & D. Jamali (Eds.), Corporate social responsibility in developing and emerging markets: Institutions, actors and sustainable development (pp. 438-448). Cambridge University Press. Available at UL

Osuji, O., Ngwu, F. N., & Jamali, D. (2019). Introduction to Corporate social responsibility in developing and emerging markets: Institutions, actors and sustainable development. In O. Osuji, F. N. Ngwu, & D. Jamali (Eds.), Corporate social responsibility in developing and emerging markets: Institutions, actors and sustainable development (pp. 1-14). Cambridge University Press. Available at UL

Sümer, F., & Joseph, J. (2019). Compatibility of the Kurdistan region of Iraq's institutions and economic development within Iraq. In A. Anaid & E. E. Tugdar (Eds.), Iraqi Kurdistan’s statehood aspirations: A political economy approach (pp. 25-74). Palgrave Macmillan. Available at UL