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AUB Faculty and Staff Book Publications: 2019-Present: Office of the Provost

Explore monograph and chapter publications authored, edited, or translated by AUB faculty and staff between 2019 and to date.

Book chapters by year

APA citation:

Cortas, N., & Rahal, B. (2019). Role and impact of bibliometric analysis of research productivity in faculty evaluation, recruitment, promotion, reappointment, benchmarking, and in Mission-Based Management (MBM): Experience of the Faculty of Medicine at the American University of Beirut (AUB), 1997–2007. In A. Badran, E. Baydoun, & J. Hillman (Eds.), Major challenges facing higher education in the Arab world: Quality assurance and relevance (pp. 289-324). Springer, Cham. Available at UL