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AUB Faculty and Staff Book Publications: 2019-Present: Arabic and Near Eastern Languages

Explore monograph and chapter publications authored, edited, or translated by AUB faculty and staff between 2019 and to date.

Books by year

APA Citation

Baalbaki, R. (2025). Muqawwimāt al-naẓariyya al-lughawiyya al-ʿArabiyya: Dirāsa fī l-muqārabāt al-manhajiyya
          naḥwan wa-dalālatan.
 American University of Beirut Press.

APA citation: 

AbdelMegeed, M. (2024). Literary optics: Staging the collective in the Nahda. Syracuse University Press. 

APA citation:

Brand, T., & Orfali, B. (Eds.). (2024). In the steps of the Sultan essays in honor of Abdulrahim Abu-Husayn. American University of Beirut Press. Available at UL

APA citation:

Al Jammal, L., & Orfali, B. (Eds.). (2024). إني رأيت في المنام...: منامات مختارة من كتاب القادري في التعبير لأبي سعد نصر بن يعقوب الدينوري توفي بعد 400ظ1010 . al-Dār al-ʻArabīyah lil-ʻUlūm Nāshirūn. 

APA citation:

al-Urfah'lī, B. (Ed.). (2023). Kitāb al-durr al-manẓūm fī manāqib al-sulṭān Bāyzīd malik al-Rūm. al-Dār al-ʻArabīyah lil-ʻUlūm Nāshirūn. Available at UL

APA citation:

al-Urfah'lī, B., & ʻAbduh, K. M. (Eds.). (2023). al-Ḥikmah al-khalīqah. Dār al-Mashriq. Available at UL

APA citation:

al-Urfah'lī, B., & Jamāl, L. (Eds.). (2023). al-Bishārah wa-al-nidhārah fī taʻbīr al-ruʼyā: Wa-huwa kitāb Tafsīr al-aḥlām al-mansūb li-Ibn Sīrīn (t 110 H / 728 M). Markaz Abū Ẓaby lil-Lughah al-ʻArabīyah. Available at UL

APA citation:

Ḍumayrīyah, N., & al-Urfah'lī, B. (Eds.). (2023). Kaff al-muʻārid bi-barāʼat ibn ʻArabī wa-ibn al-Fāriḍ. Dār al-Mashriq. Available at UL

APA citation:

El Cheikh, N. M. (2023). Bīzanṭah kama raʼāhā al-ʻArab. Dāʼirat al-Thaqāfah wa-al-Siyāḥah. [translated by Ahmad Ībish and edited by Bilal Orfali]


APA citation:

Jarrār, M. (2023). A critical edition of Kitāb al-Sawād al-Aʻam by al-Ḥakīm al-Samarqandī. Gorgias Press. Available at UL

APA citation:

Damrosch, D., & Lindberg-Wada, G. (Eds.). Literature: A world history (4 volumes). Wiley. [Regional editors: Africa: Eileen Julien, The Americas: Djelal Kadir, East Asia: Zhang Longxi, Europe: Anders Pettersson, South and Southeast Asia and Oceania: Harish Trivedi, West and Central Asia: As‘ad E. Khairallah]


APA citation:

Orfali, B., & Baalbaki, R. (2022). Radiant lights, eloquent wordsA scholarly edition of al-Anwār al-bahiyya fī taʿrīf maqāmāt fuṣaḥāʾ al-bariyya. Attributed to Abū Manṣūr al-Thaʿālibī (d. 429/1039). Brill. Available at UL

APA citation:

Orfali, B., Khalil, A., & Rustom, M. (Eds.). (2022). Mysticism and ethics in Islam. American University of Beirut Press. Available at UL

APA citation:

Orfali, B., & Pomerantz, M. A. (2022). The Maqāmāt of Badīʻ al-Zamān al-Hamadhānī : Authorship, texts, and contexts. Reichert Verlag. Available at UL

APA  citation:

al-Urfah'lī, B., & Khansah, Ī. (Eds.). (2021). Bawḥ al-murjān fī ikhtiyār al-khillān: Mukhtārāt ʻan al-ṣadāqah fī al-adab al-ʻArabī. al-Maktabah al-ʻArabīyah lil-Nāshiʼah. Available at UL

APA citation:

al-Urfah'lī, B. (2021). Fan al-ikhtiyār al-adabī: Abū Manṣūr al-Thaʻālibī wa-kitābahu Yatīmat al-dahr. Dār al-ʻArabīyah lil-ʻUlūm Nāshirūn. Available at UL


APA  citation:

al-Urfah'lī, B.Khansah, Ī. (Eds.). (2021). Inna al-amr li-ghayr mā nashtaghil bi-hi: Mukhtārāt min Kitāb ibn al-Malik wa-al-nāsik. al-Maktabah al-ʻArabīyah lil-Nāshiʼah. Available at UL

APA citation: 

Khansa, E., Klein, K. & Winckler, B. (Eds.). (2021). Thinking through ruins: Genealogies, functions, and interpretations. Kulturverlag Kadmos. Available at UL

APA citation:

Orfali, B., & El Cheikh, N. M. (Eds.). (2021). Approaches to the study of pre-modern Arabic anthologies. Brill. Available at UL

APA citation:

al-Urfah'lī, B. (Ed.). (2020). Kitāb intizāʻāt al-Qurʼān: al-mansūb ilá al-kātib al-Fāṭimī Abī al-Qāsm ʻAlī ibn al-Ṣayrafī (t 542/ 1147). Dār al-Mashriq. [translated by Fātimah Shaḥūrī]. Available at UL

APA citation:

al-Urfah'lī, B., & Baʻlbakī, R. (Eds.). (2020). Kitāb Makārim al-akhlāq wa-maḥāsin al-ādāb wa-badāʼiʻ al-awṣāf wa-gharāʼib al-tashbīhāt. al-Dār al-ʻArabīyah lil-ʻUlūm Nāshirūn. Available at UL

APA citation:

al-Urfah'lī, B., & Chiabotti, F. (Eds.). (2020). Amālī Abī al-Qāsim ʻAbd al-Karīm ibn Hawāzin al-Qushayrī. Dār al-Mashriq. Available at UL

APA citation:

al-Urfah'lī, B.Khansah, Ī. (Eds.). (2020). Limā ishtadda ʻishq al-insān li-hādhā al-ʻālam?: Mukhtārāt min al-ʻawāmil wa-al-shawāmil : Abū Ḥayyān al-Tawḥīdī yasʼal wa Abū ʻAlī Miskawīh yujīb. al-Maktabah al-ʻArabīyah lil-Nāshiʼah. Available at UL

APA citation:

Baʻlbakī, R. (2020). al-Turāth al-muʻjamī al-ʻArabī min al-qarn al-thānī ḥattá al-qarn al-thānī ʻashar lil-Hijrah. al-Markaz al-ʻArabī lil-Abḥāth wa-Dirāsat al-Siyāsāt. Available at UL

APA citation:

Baʻlbakī, R., & al-Urfah'lī, B. (Eds.). (2020). Khāṣṣ al-khāṣṣ fī al-amthāl : li-Abī Manṣūr ʻAbd-al-Malik Ibn Muḥammad Ibn Ismāʻīl al-Thaʻālibī al-Nīshabūrīal-Maʻhad al-Almānī lil-Abḥāth al-Sharqīyah. Available at UL

APA citation:

Dmitriev, K., Hauser, J., & Orfali, B. (Eds.). (2020). Insatiable appetite: Food as cultural signifier in the Middle East and beyond. Brill. Available at UL

APA citation:

El Cheikh, N. M. (2020). al-Nisāʼ wa-al-Islām wa-al-al-Hawīyyah al-ʻAbbāsīyyah (translated by H. Ramadan and edited by Bilāl al-Urfah'lī). Dār al-Mashrīq. Available at UL

APA citation:

Ghaddār, H. A. (2020). al-Dalīl al-ʻamalī ilá al-lughah al-ʻibrīyah. Dār Aseerā.


APA citation:

Jarrar, M., & Günther, S. (2020). Doctrinal instruction in early Islam: The Book of the explanation by the Sunna by Ghulām Khalīl (d. 275/888). Brill. Available at UL

APA citaiton:

al-Qāḍī, W. (2019). Mujtamaʻ al-qarn al-rābiʻ fī muʼallafāt Abī Ḥayyān al-Tawḥīdī (edited by Bilāl al-Urfah'lī). Dār al-Mashriq. Available at UL

APA citation:

al-Sayyid, R., Ḥanafī, S., & al-Urfah'lī, B. (Eds.). (2019). Naḥwa iʻādat bināʼ al-dirāsāt al-Islāmīyah. al-Dār al-ʻArabīyah lil-ʻUlūm Nāshirūn. Available at UL

APA citation: 

al-Urfah'lī, B., Husāmī, M., Siblīnī, R., Wīnklir, B., & Yūnġī, K. (2019). al-Dirāsāt al-ʻArabīyah wa-intifāḍāt al-rabīʻ al-ʻArabī. Dār al-Mashriq. Available at UL

APA citation:

al-Urfah'lī, B., & Khansah, Ī. (2019). Ḥiyākat al-kalām: al-lahfah wa-al-ṣudfah wa-al-khayāl fī kitābay al-Faraj baʻda al-shiddah wa-Nishwār al-muḥāḍarah lil-Qāḍī Abī ʻAlī al-Muḥassin ibn ʻAlī al-Tanūkhī. Jāmiʻat Niyū Yūrk. Available at UL

APA citation:

Elias, J. J., & Orfali, B. (Eds.). (2019). Light upon light: Essays in Islamic thought and history in honor of Gerhard Bowering. Brill. Available at UL

APA citation:

Orfali, B., & Pomerantz, M. A. (Eds.). (2019). The philosopher responds: An intellectual correspondence from the tenth century. New York University Press. Available at UL

Book chapters by year

APA Citations:

Jarrar, M. (2024). Zaydī rulership and authorship: A quest for legitimacy. The case of al-Muʾayyad bi-llāh Abū l-Ḥusayn al-Hārūnī (333–411/945–1021). In M. Fierro, S. Brentjes, & T. Seidensticker (Eds.), Rulers as authors in the Islamic World: Knowledge, authority and legitimacy (p.p.107-142). Brill.

APA citations:

Khairallah, A. E., Abdel Malek, K., Ashtiany, M., Utas, B., Halman, T. S., Kocaoglu, T., & Schamiloglu, U. (2022). West and Central Asia. In Z. Longxi (Ed.), Literature: A world history, volume 3: 1500-1800 (pp. 813-861). Wiley Blackwell.

Khairallah, A. E., Brock, S., Yaktine, S., Nasser, S., Utas, B., Ashtiany, M., Kocaoglu, T., Schamiloglu, U., & Halman, T. S. (2022). West and Central Asia. In B. Utas & T. D'Haen (Eds.), Literature: A world history, volume 2: 200-1500 (pp. 433-526). Wiley Blackwell.

Khairallah, A. E., Damrosch, D., & Utas, B. (2022). West and Central Asia. In A. Pettersson (Ed.), Literature: A world history, volume 1: Before 200 CE (pp. 79-106). Wiley Blackwell.

Khairallah, A. E., Yatkine, S. Khalidi, A., Ashtiany, M., Utas, B., Halman, T. S., Kocaoglu, T., & Schamiloglu, U. (2022). West and Central Asia. In D. Kadir (Ed.), Literature: A world history, volume 4: 1800-2000 (pp. 1221-1321). Wiley Blackwell.

Khansa, E. (2022). Nazhūn. In M. M. Sauer, D. Watt, & L. H. McAvoy (Eds.), The Palgrave encyclopedia of medieval women's writing in the global middle ages (pp. 1-5). Springer. Available at UL

Orfali, B., & Pomerantz, M. (2022). “You have become the amīr of my heart”: An edition of the Faṣāḥat al-mashūq fī malāḥat al-maʿshūq or the Maqāma Iqṭāʿiyya of al-Shābb al-Ẓarīf al-Tilimsānī (d. 688/1289). In H. Özkan & N. Papoutsakis (Eds.), Doing justice to a wronged literature: Essays on Arabic literature and rhetoric of the 12th-18th centuries in honour of Thomas Bauer (pp. 36-49). Brill.

Pettersson, A., & Jarrar, M. (2022). Europe. In B. Utas & T. D'Haen (Eds.), Literature: A world history, volume 2: 200-1500 (pp. 596-669). Wiley Blackwell.

APA citations:

Halabi, Z. G. (2021). Keeping silent, or the silence that kept Wannous. In S. Mejcher-Atassi & R. Myers (Eds.), The theatre of Sa'dallah Wannous: A critical study of the Syrian playwright and public intellectual (pp. 59-77). Cambridge University Press. Available at UL

Khansa, E. (2021). “I begin with the kings”: Contextualizing knowledge in Ibn Bassām’s al-Dhakhīra. In B. Orfali & N. M. El Cheikh (Eds.), Approaches to the study of pre-modern Arabic anthologies (pp. 21-36). Brill. Available at UL

APA citation:

Jarrar, M. (2020). Exegetical designs of the Sīra: Tafsīr and Sīra. In M. Shah & M. Abdel Haleem (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of Qur'anic studies (pp. 620-633). Oxford University Press. Available at UL

APA citation:

Baalbaki, R. (2019). Grammar for beginners and Ibn Hišām’s Approach to issues of ʾiʿrāb. In M. E. B. Giolfo & K. Versteegh (Eds.), The foundations of Arabic linguistics IV: The evolution of theory (pp. 61-88). Brill. Available at UL

Journal Special Issues Editors

Al-Dahmani, F., Hmito, Y., & Orfali, B. (Eds). Islamic Studies Journal. Brill, 2024-.

Bin Tamin, A., & Orfali, B. (Eds). Al-Markaz: Majallat al-Dirāsāt al-ʿArabiyya. Brill, 2022-.

Stanton, A. Z., Johnson, R. C., Orfali, B., Dmitriev, K., & Friedman, R. (Associate Eds). Journal of Arabic Literature. Brill, 1970-.

Baalbaki, R., Khairallah, A., Orfali, B., & Jarrar, M. (Eds). Al Abhath. Center for Arab & Middle Eastern Studies,  American University of Beirut, 1948-.