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Beirut's Heritage Buildings

This guide aims to list some of Beirut's heritage buildings and provide resources to assist researchers with their needs on this specific topic.


Association for Protecting Natural Sites and Old Buildings in Lebanon (APSAD)

Founded in 1960 by Lady Yvonne Sursock Cochrane, Mr. Assem Salam and Mr. Camille Aboussouan with a group of active social, academic and professional figures bent on protecting the country’s natural and cultural heritage.

 Beirut Heritage

Aims to revive Beirut's customs, traditions, values, in addition to its cultural, social, and architectural heritage.


 Beirut Heritage Initiative

An independent and inclusive structure that strives to restore Beirut’s architectural and cultural heritage by bringing together key actors within a unified and transparent framework.


Beirut Built Heritage Rescue 2020 (BBHR20)

BBHR20 initiative was put in place on August 6 by heritage experts and restorers. It aims to preserve Beirut's architectural and urban heritage in neighborhoods weakened by the August 4th explosion.


 Li Beirut

Launched by UNESCO on August 27, 2020, Li Beirut is an international appeal to raise funds to support the rehabilitation of schools, historic heritage buildings, museums, galleries and the creative economy.

 Nahnou (نحن)

A youth-led non-governmental organization rallying volunteers across Lebanon to work towards an inclusive society through advocacy campaigns that promote: Good Governance, Public Spaces, and Cultural Heritage.


 UN Habitat for a Better Urban Future

Provides an overview of the buildings in the neighbourhood, and describes their structural and communal space conditions.

Other Associations