Issa Iskandar Ma'luf postcard collection, 1925-1940
The ‘Īsá Iskandar al Maʻlūf postcard collection includes 785 postcards that depict scenes from various countries on the African, American, Asian, and European continents. It includes photos of sites, scenes, and people. Some of the postcards are panoramic views, others are of landscapes, monuments, and religious sites, while some show commercial streets, cities, as well as local citizens. No date of publishing or issuance, estimated dates [1925-1940].
Tamir Nassar - articles and albums from expeditions in the 1930s (SAAB Medical Library)
Professor Adrain Kappers, international neuroanatomist from Amsterdam, was interested in the Anthropology of the Middle East took Tamir Nassar along during his field trips to study the Anthropology of different tribes in the Syrian and Transjordanian deserts (steppes); these expeditions were continued by Dr. William Shanklin