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This guide was initially prepared by Joyce Aways, Research & Instruction Librarian.
For easier handling of the references, you can sort them into folders:
1. In the My Library pane on the left, click on Create Folder.
2. Type in the folder name and press Enter on your keyboard (folder will be listed under the My Library folders).
3. Click on the Unsorted folder to list all references that have yet to be assigned to a folder and drag references into the corresponding folder(s).
Nested Folders: You can create up to 8 folders within folders. Right-click on an existing folder, and select New Folder.
Favorites: You can add articles to the Favorites folder (in the My Library pane on the left) by clicking on the star next to any reference.
Viewing the references in your library and in folders can be either as a table or as citations in the style of your choice:
1. Go to View in the top menu and select "Library as Table" or "Library as Citations".
2. If you choose Library as Citations, you can also choose which style to have them appear in; go to View in the top menu, then Citation Style submenu and select your preferred citation style.