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This guide helps you step by step use Mendeley to manage your sources/references easily.


Create Groups


1. Click on Create Group on the left menu in Mendeley and Name your group.

2. Click on Create Group in the bottom right corner.

3. Enter the email address(es) of the group member(s) separated by a semicolon.

4. Click Send invites or Skip to invite members later.

The invitee does not have to have a Mendeley library to receive an invitation but they will be prompted to create an account.

Create Group

Invite to Group

You can manage your groups, edit details, invite new members, and see the group’s activity history from the Mendeley Groups page.

Join Group

When someone invites you to join a Mendeley group, you receive an email notification.


1. Click on the Join this group link in the email; you will be redirected to the Mendeley website.

2. Login (if you do not already have an account on Mendeley Web, you will need to create one).

3. You will then see a list of groups you have been invited to (if more than one).

Click on Accept or Decline.


4. Once you have accepted the invitation, the group will appear in your Mendeley library under Groups (If not, Sync your library).


  • Begin by creating and sharing a Mendeley group. Then, as sections are written or changes are made, references can be added or removed from the Mendeley group as needed.
  • It is recommended to assign one person to be in charge of combining feedback and incorporating changes into a ‘Main’ version of your document.
  • When sharing a document with Mendeley references, it is best to send it to your colleagues or classmates as an email attachment.

Not Recommended using cloud-based systems (e.g. Google Drive, DropBox) to share documents with Mendeley references. It is possible to do, but there are instances where the Mendeley coding can be lost.
Mendeley is not compatible with Google Docs.

  • If each collaborator is writing their own section separately, ensure that each contributor adds their references to the shared Mendeley library
  • Alternatively, you may have written an initial draft on one computer. You can share the document via email for your group members to review. Once they have made any comments or changes, they can email the document back for you to consolidate the feedback into your ‘Main’ document. The shared Mendeley library will ensure that the references function correctly for each of the group members.

It is safe to use Track Changes in Microsoft Word documents with Mendeley references.

Credit to University of Otago