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EndNote X9: Add Reference/s from PDF

This guide provides basic information on using EndNote (citation management tool)

Adding a reference from a PDF

You can create a reference by importing a PDF document into your EndNote library.

Follow instructions on how to import

What happens when you import PDF files into EndNote?

The references for these PDFs appear in your Library. EndNote will create a record for each PDF and attach a copy of the PDF to the record.  

This function does NOT work properly if the PDF is scanned or if it does NOT have a DOI*.

In such cases the reference will only contain the PDF, and you will need to fill out the fields manually.*DOI = Digital Object Identifier 

I. How to Import a single PDF file

From the File menu select Import, then select File to open the 'Import File' window.

In Import File, click on Choose to select the PDF that you wish to import

Select following options:

  • PDF as Import Option
  • Import All as Duplicates
  • No Translation

Click on the Import button

II. How to Import multiple PDF files

From the File menu select Import, then select Folder to open the Import Folder window.

In Import Folder, click on Choose to select the folder that includes the PDFs you wish to import. 

Check the box to either/or

  • Include files in subfolders
  • Create a Group Set for this import

Select PDF as Import Option and Import All as Duplicates 

Click on the Import button