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EndNote X9: Organize

This guide provides basic information on using EndNote (citation management tool)


It is highly recommended to have One EndNote Library, and to create Groups and Group Sets to organize your references.

  • Groups = Folders
  • Group Sets = Headings

There are different types of groups in EndNote. Some of these groups can be manually created such as

  • Custom Groups
  • Smart Groups

Please Note that you can create up to 5,000 group sets in your EndNote library. 

Delete/ Rename Groups

To delete or rename a group, right click on the name of the group and select Delete Group.

Please note that the group name will be deleted, however the references will remain in your EndNote library.

How to Create Groups and Group Sets

I. Create Group Sets

To avoid ending up with a large number of groups start by creating Group Sets.

  • From the Groups menu, select Create Group Set  
    OR right click on My Groups in the My Library panel
  • Name your group set
  • Now you can add custom groups, smart groups or combination of groups to your Group Set.
    Use your mouse to drag and drop the groups you want to put in this group set.


II. Create Groups

Custom Groups   

  These groups allow you to add references individually.

  • From the Groups menu, select Create Group
  • Name your group.
  • Select the references you want to put in your group, then drag and drop them into your group

Smart Groups 

Smart groups will automatically add references to your group if they match a particular search strategy.

  • From the Groups menu, select Create Smart Group
  • Name your Smart Group.(Use a descriptive name)
  • To add your own descriptors or subject keywords, select Any Field from the drop down menu and type in your keyword. You may also add a year or date range.
  • Click Create.

Note: Each time you add a reference to the library, EndNote updates the smart group automatically.    
            Smart groups are dynamically updated by applying search criteria to each reference as it is added or updated.