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Thesis Writing Hub: Submission Process

This guide provides all resources related to project, thesis, and dissertation writing and submission process at AUB.

The thesis submission to the Library is entirely conducted online and involves the following steps

1. Formatting Approval-- Before Defense

Two weeks prior to your thesis defense, submit a draft file containing the preliminary pages, table of contents, a representative sample of chapters (including headings), and the bibliography for review:

Please ensure the following information is included in your email when submitting your draft:

  • Full Name:
  • AUB ID:
  • Degree (MA, MS, ME, MSN, PhD,etc..):
  • Department/Program/Center:
  • Faculty:
  • Thesis/Project Title (Capitalize the 1st letter of each word except conjunctions, articles & prepositions):


Important: We can only receive emails from official AUB email domains: or

Submissions from other email addresses or cloud storage services (e.g., WeTransfer, Google Drive) will not be processed.


2. Required Signed Forms-- After Defense

  • The Approval page/Form must be signed by both the Advisor and Committee members. Both handwritten and electronic signatures are acceptable.
  • Complete and sign the Release Form on the day you submit your thesis to Scholarworks.

3. Deposit in ScholarWorks-- After Defense

  • Send the complete and final draft to
  • Upon Library approval of the final draft's formatting, you will be prompted to submit three PDF files to ScholarWorks (submission link and instructions will be provided):

              1. Complete Thesis (including the unsigned Approval Page)

              2. Approval Page/Form (signed)

              3. Release Form (signed)              

Important: Your thesis submission will not be considered finalized until you receive a confirmation email from the Library acknowledging successful deposit. This confirmation email is typically sent within two business days of your submission. If you do not receive confirmation within this timeframe, we kindly request that you contact