EndNote Desktop allows you to share your library with other EndNote users.
You can share your entire EndNote library, including references, PDFs, and annotations, or just specific groups.
You can decide whether to give your colleagues Read & Write or Read Only permission.
Before sharing your library it is advisable to back-up your library.
There are several ways to share your EndNote Library:
EndNote Online is a web-based reference citation manager tool.
To share your library using EndNote Online you need:
Watch the following videos for instruction on how to share a library or a group with another EndNote user.
If sharing using EndNote Online isn't an option for you, it's possible to share a library using EndNote's Compressed Libraries function.
To compress your library
Watch this video for instruction on how to compress your library
To Restore a Compressed Library
Notes and Recommendations
A Traveling Library is created when citations are added to a Microsoft Word document using an EndNote Library.
A Travel Library allows you to collaborate with others on the same document without having to share the whole EndNote library.
The references can be exported from the document itself into an existing or a new Endnote Library:
There is an alternative way of exporting a Traveling Library
Notes and Recommendations: