There are two ways to attach full text PDFs to references
The Find Full Text function in Endnote can search for full text for records in your Endnote library.
There are several ways to automatically find PDFs full text.
In your EndNote Library, select the references to which you want to attach the full text then choose one of the following options:
Refer to the FIND FULL TEXT Group in the left panel to see the progress and results of the search (e.g. Searching, Found PDF, Found URL, or Not Found)
A paperclip symbol will appear on the left side of the reference to indicate that a file has been attached to the record.
Click here to watch a short video demonstrating how to use the Find Full Text function.
N. B. Endnote will only be able to locate PDFs with a DOI.
You can Manually attach files/PDFs that you can not find using the Find Full Text function.
Alternatively, If the PDF is on your desktop, you can drag and drop the file directly to the corresponding reference in EndNote.
You can open, preview, and annotate a PDF file in your EndNote library. EndNote will store all your notes in one place. These notes are searchable within EndNote.
To remove highlights and annotations
Searching within PDFs and PDF Notes EndNote allows you to search the full text of PDF files as well as their Sticky Note Comments. In the search panel, select from the drop down menu one of the following options: Any Field + PDF with Notes; PDF; or PDF Notes. Type in your Keyword/s and press Enter |
N.B. To open the PDF in Adobe Reader, right click on the preview of the PDF and select Open with Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Recommendations and Notes