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E-Learning Tools Trove

When you want to create engaging presentations with interactive slides, audio narration, polling, and knowledge checks, you can use one of the following tools:

Available at AUB

  • Course Presentation – Create a presentation with interactive slides through AUB’s H5P activity in Moodle.
  • Zoom, WebEx and MS TEAMs – Once your presentation slides are ready, you can use built in tools such as Polling, Forms, Whiteboard…etc. in order to conduct interactive recorded or live presentations.

Free Resources

  • Poll Everywhere  – Run live interactive presentations. There is a free account that supports up to 25 participants. Free with special pricing offers.
  • Voice Over PowerPoint – Integrating explanation of Microsoft PowerPoint directly on slides.
  • Emaze – Create presentation slides interactively using templates, sharing presentations, analytics, team management. Free with paid plans.
  • Mentimeter – Allows the creation of interactive presentations (which you can use for quizzes) and integrates with Google Classroom. Free with special pricing offers.
  • Projeqt – Create multimedia presentations with dynamic slides, adding interactive links, maps, online quizzes, videos.
  • Storydoc  Create stunning, interactive presentations in minutes. Stand out and win more customers.

Paid Resources