64 Posters gathered from the walls of the AUB campus. A great part of the collection covers two main topics: The Palestinian Question, Lebanon and the Lebanese Civil War. This collection is digitized and can be browsed through our Library Catalog, as well as through this link.
Signs of Conflict is a project that involves collecting, archiving and studying the political posters that were produced by the various warring factions, political parties and movements during Lebanon's civil war.
Graphic Chronology: a chart illustrated by posters that provides chronologies of the Lebanese war from 1975–1990.
Testimonies of Change is an online museum of testimonies of former fighters. This project was initiated by Fighters for Peace: a Lebanese organization that unites former fighters from different political, religious and social backgrounds.
Recorded Interviews: Badna Naaref (We Want to Know) is a call for dialogue about the country’s wartime experiences among different generations of people who live in Lebanon. The Badna Naaref youtube channel contains 8 clips from student interviews, 5 teachers’ testimonies, 2 videos on the training sessions, and 2 videos from press coverage of Badna Naaref on TV.
The Oral History project is a project on the missing and forcibly disappeared during the Lebanese war (1975-1990) was initiated in 2011 as part of the wider project "Talking between generations: an oral history project on political violence and its impact.
For more videos and movies on the Lebanese Civil War, search our library Catalog or browse the following subject headings: