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Lebanon Research Guide: Statistics


Open Data Lebanon


Start at the University Libraries main page, go to Databases and select Data and Statistics from the drop down menu 'All Databases Type'

Central Administration for Statistics


Opinion Polls

Lebanon Figures 2008: gathers number of social and economic indicators: About Lebanon, Population, Education, Employment, Tourism, Consumer Price Index, National Accounts...

خارطة احوال المعيشة في لبنان

دراسة تحليلية لنتائج مسح المعطيات الاحصائية للسكان والمساكن

Lebanese Census of 1932 Revisited: Who are the Lebanese? by Rania Maktabi. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (1999), 26(2), 219-214.

Demography and Politics in Lebanon under the Mandate / by Thibaut Jaulin. Histoire & Mesure (2009), 24(1), 189-210.

Arab Barometer gives voice to the opinions and concerns of ordinary citizens across the Arab world.