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SDGs at the American University of Beirut

An overview of SDG resources and a compilation of selected AUB faculty publications related to the 17 SDGs.

    SDG 8 related articles & book chapters by AUB faculty

Belaid, F., Dagher, L., & Filis, G. (2021). Revisiting the resource curse in the MENA region. Resources Policy73, 102225.


Dbouk, W., Tarhini, H., & Nasr, W. (2023). Re-ordering policies for inventory systems with a fluctuating economic environment–Using economic descriptors to model the demand process. Journal of the Operational Research Society74(3), 860-872.


ElDidi, H., van Biljon, C., Alvi, M., Ringler, C., Ratna, N., Abdulrahim, S., Kilby, P., Wu, J., & Choudhury, Z. U. A. (2023). Reducing vulnerability to forced labour and trafficking of women migrant workers from South-to West-Asia. Development in Practice33(2), 156-167.


Hackl, A., & Najdi, W. (2023). Online work as humanitarian relief? The promise and limitations of digital livelihoods for Syrian refugees and Lebanese youth during times of crisis. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space.


Moussa, W., Salti, N., Irani, A., Al Mokdad, R., Jamaluddine, Z., Chaaban, J., & Ghattas, H. (2022). The impact of cash transfers on Syrian refugee children in Lebanon. World Development150, 105711.

   SDG 8 related books by AUB faculty 

Muslim Women at Work Religious Discourses in Arab Society
Urban Design in the Arab World Reconceptualizing Boundaries
Strategic performance management and measurement using data envelopment analysis