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What about using YouTube videos in classes?
It is acceptable to link to YouTube videos in a learning management system. There are many YouTube videos (and other videos) available through Creative Commons licenses as well. The best way to use a YouTube video is to link to it. Using YouTube's embedded code for linking is fine also; When you click Share, YouTube makes the code available for users to embed.
Learn more about videos in the classroom and copyright
The 2012 Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) exemptions permit faculty and students to circumvent protection measures to make short portions available for viewing. The circumvention is allowed "only when necessary". If very high quality copy is not required, the law permits the use of screen capture software such as Camtasia, Jing, to copy portions of the video. Find more in The Copyright Implications of Teaching with Videos
The AUB Libraries Copyright, Fair Use and Reproduction Policy:
AUB Libraries provide access to their holdings for educational, personal, and non- commercial use, provided that the materials are properly cited. For publication, distribution, reproduction or other use of protected items which goes beyond fair use, written permission of the copyright holders and/or other rights’ holders is required(*). Publication includes, but is not limited to, print, film, slide presentation, video, television, and electronic transmission. ... more