This guide highlights core print and electronic Library resources in the area of Political Science . Use this guide as your starting point, come to the library or Ask a Librarian for more resources and further help.
Use the Library Catalogto search for books, try keyword and subject searching. Search the Catalog:
Use Subject searching to find books on your topics. The following is a list of subject terms that you might want to use while searching our Library Catalog using the Subject search field for political science resources.
Search or browse e-books collections to find and access books in your subject area:
Cambridge Histories onlineThis link opens in a new windowAn e-book collection bringing together over 260 volumes. Volumes are grouped into topics and cover over 15 different subject areas including political and social theories
ElgarOnlineThis link opens in a new windowA collection of electronic books published by Edward Elgar Publishing. It is hosted on the Ebrary platform.
Subject areas covered include business, economics, ecology, environment, innovation and technology, management, public and social policy.
Availability: Full-text
Date Coverage: 1993 to present
Taylor & Francis eBooksThis link opens in a new windowThis e-book collection provides online access to over 10,000 selected academic books published by Taylor & Francis, primarily in the humanities and social sciences, and approximately 15,000 titles published by CRC Press in science, technology, engineering, and medicine.
Availability: full-text
Date Coverage: Varies
Oxford Scholarship OnlineThis link opens in a new windowMultidisciplinary and cross-searchable library containing the full-text of classic and newly published books from leading university presses in the areas of humanities, social sciences, sciences, medicine, and law.
Availability: Full-text
Date Coverage: Complete collection till March 2022
University Press Scholarship OnlineThis link opens in a new windowA multidisciplinary online library containing academic books published by leading US and international university presses such as American University in Cairo Press and Oxford University Press. Subject areas covered include humanities, social sciences, sciences, medicine, and law.
Availability: Full-text
Date Coverage: Complete collection until March 2022
Index to universities digital collections and most collections available on the internet: Gutenberg, Batleby, Bibliomania, Questia ...Especially strong in humanities and social sciences. Includes free and fee-based content.
Project Gutenberg is the place where you can download over 33,000 free ebooks to read on your PC, iPad, Kindle, Sony Reader, iPhone, Android or other portable device.
For books with Temporary Access please click on Temporary Access then on Check out.
HathiTrust is a digital preservation repository that provides long-term preservation and access services to materials digitized by Google Books, the Internet Archives, Microsoft, and top-ranked university libraries. It includes reference works, books, government documents, maps, manuscripts, photos, journals, newspapers, and other published and unpublished materials.
Availability: Full-text and bibliographic citations
Date Coverage: 1200 to present