Lebanon: The Oil & Gas Week, November 11, 2013
Role of natural gas in Lebanon's future energy mix: he Third International Workshop organized by Munib and Angela Masri Institute of Energy and Natural Resources at the American University of Beirut. (April 2012)
الورشة الوطنية حول "تحديات قطاع النفط والغاز في لبنان" في مجلس النواب 2011
Lebanon Oil & Gas 2013 Summit (April 2013)
Lebanon Oil, Gas & Energy Conference 2012: Organized by Arabcom Group. An annual meeting place for International and regional oil, gas, and energy industry, and a hub for global industry leaders to meet and do business (September 2012)
La delimitation maritime et l'exploitation des fonds marins: an international confereence held at Saint Joseph University - Lebanon (May 2012)
Geopolitics of oil and gas in Lebanon in the Near East: a conference held at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik - Lebanon (March 2011) = مؤتمر في الجامعة الامريكية للعلوم و التكنولوجيا حول الطاقة النفطية في لبنان بعنوان: طاقة لبنان النفطية, امكانات مهدورة أم فرص واعدة؟
European Mediterranean Exploration & Production Summit (Euro-Med E&P Summit): took place in Cyprus from 24 - 26 September 2012. For details, check Agenda.
2012 Mediterranean Oil & Gas Conference was held in Athens on 28 & 29 May, 2012.
Lebanon to become an Oil and Gas producing country: Local forums from SkyscraperCity
New Vision for Lebanon : Blog By George Sassine Harvard and AUB graduate in Mechanical Engineering.