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Adding items to your library

The simplest way to add items to Zotero is to use a Web Browser Connector (install instructions).

When you find a source you would like to save, click on the connector button. You will see a pop-up indicating that Zotero is saving your citation.

If Zotero detects that you're looking at a book or article on a catalog, database, or site, you'll see a book or page icon appear in your browser's address bar. Just click the icon and Zotero will automatically save the citation.

Example1: Adding a book chapter

Example2:Adding a list of items

If you have an item in front of you and you can't find a record for it online, you can create a new citation manually. 

First, click on the green plus sign icon and choose the type of source you want to create a citation for from the drop-down menu (additional options are available under "More").

Next, type the bibliographic information in the right panel (Title, author, year of publication,etc..)

If you have a book's ISBN, an online article's DOI or PMID number, just click the magic wand button: "Add item by identifier." Type in the book or article's number, and Zotero will automatically download its information and save it to your library.

  1. Open Zotero
  2. Find the PDF (or any file) on your computer
  3. Drag PDF to Zotero
  4. Zotero will capture the metadata automatically