Conducting an Intervention Review Developed by world-leading experts, this course from Cochrane Interactive Learning provides over 15 hours of self-directed learning on conducting a complete systematic review process for both new and experienced review authors. Users should register to access the course.
Introduction to Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis The course introduces methods to perform systematic reviews and meta-analysis of clinical trials. It also teaches how to formulate an answerable research question, define inclusion and exclusion criteria, search for the evidence, extract data, assess the risk of bias in clinical trials, and perform a meta-analysis.
Systematic Review and Systematic Mapping This course aims to introduce systematic reviewing and systematic mapping as methods for evidence synthesis. Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of the activities that are necessary to maximise comprehensiveness, transparency, objectivity and reliability throughout the review process. This step-by-step course takes time to explain the theory behind each part of the review process, and provides guidance, tips and advice for those wanting to undertake a full systematic review or map.
Systematic Mapping This course introduces systematic mapping as an evidence synthesis methodology. It is aimed at researchers and decision-makers with at least a basic understanding of evidence synthesis and systematic reviews, and acts as a complement to the broader Systematic Review and Mapping Methods Course, and focuses specifically on how systematic mapping differs from systematic review.
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis A Campbell Collaboration Online Course provides an overview of the steps involved in conducting a systematic review of results of multiple quantitative studies.
Introduction to Scoping Reviews and Synthesizing Evidence
Introduction to Systematic Reviews
Pieces of Systematic Review A series of webinars from the National Library of Medicine presented by Margaret Foster (Texas A&M University).
Comparing Rapid and Systematic Review Methods for Environmental Evidence: Benefits and Limitations of Different Approaches A webinar from Collaboration for Environmental Evidence focusing on a variety of rapid evidence review and synthesis methods.
Rapid Reviews This webinar defines rapid reviews, differentiates between rapid reviews and systematic reviews, identified how to conduct rapid reviews, and establishes how to tailor rapid review methods according to decision-makers information needs.
Rapid Reviews: What Do We Know? An overview of what rapid reviews are and methodological research on rapid reviews with a focus on newer investigations conducted by convenors of the Cochrane Rapid Reviews Methods Group.
Systematic Reviews and Evidence Synthesis Beyond the Health Sciences A series of videos from University of Minnesota, Cornell University, and Carnegie Mellon University focusing on evidence syntheses in topics outside of the health sciences.