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Online Teaching Support: By Subject

This guide provides links to helpful resources for online teaching and learning and will be updated frequently.


 OER by Discipline
   A Selective List


Resources for Online Teaching and Learning: Agricultural & Food Sciences

Arts and Humanities

  1. "As Human as Possible" - Teaching Humanities online
  2. Kahn Academy Arts and Humanities YouTube Playlists includes History, Art History and Writing Playlists
  3. Open Humanities Press
  4. Oxford University Open Podcasts from the Department of History of Art
  5. Resources for Online Teaching and Learning: Arts and Humanities


  1. Teaching Lab Sciences and the Arts Online An article from Inside Higher Ed
  2. Merlot Virtual Labs includes resources for Science faculty throughout the world who are adopting virtual labs to engage students in learning through active participation rather than passive observation.
  3. Teaching Anatomy Online with BodyViz
  4. Kahn Academy YouTube Biology Playlist
  5. Rice University Using BodyViz Video on YouTube
  6. LabXchange curated list of free and open-source content for both educators and learners. Virtual labs also available. Part of the Open edX platform.
  7. Free Anatomy Learning Content for Students and Instructors from Visible Body
  8. Kahn Academy YouTube Chemistry Playlist
  9. Kahn Academy YouTube Science and Engineering Playlist
  10. The Chem Collective
  11. Pearson LabBench
  12. PLOS One
  13. National Science Digital Library
  14. Resources for Online Teaching and Learning: Biology, Chemistry & Physics


  1. Kahn Academy YouTube Economics and Finance Playlist
  2. Harvard Business Cases
  3. A variety of curricular tools for professors from IGNITED Course Resources
  4. MIT Management Free Case Studies
  5. Resources for Online Teaching and Learning: Business

Computer Studies

  1. Kahn Academy YouTube Computing Playlist
  2. Scratch Programming Language is a free programming language from MIT


  1. Resources for Online Teaching and Learning: Engineering & Architecture

Fine Arts

  1. Art Images for College Teaching
  2. National Museum of Natural History Virtual Tours
  3. Teaching Online with Picasso article from Faculty Focus
  4. Teaching Lab Sciences and the Arts Online Article from Inside HigherEd


  1. Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning
  2. Yale University's Center for Language Study Online Teaching Tools and Resources page


  1. Merlot Math Labs
  2. Kahn Academy YouTube Math Playlist
  3. Math TV YouTube Playlist
  4. Mathantics YouTube Playlist
  5. American Institute of Mathematics: Approved Open Textbooks List
  6. AMSER: Applied Math and Science Educational Repository


  1. National Association for Music Education Virtual Resources for Music Educators
  2. London Review of Education Journal Article, Teaching music online: Changing pedagogical approach when moving to the online environment
  3. Teaching Music Online in Higher Education Conference 2020 with a a virtual attendance option


  1. Learning Preferences and Engagement Level of Generation Z Nursing Students Video (2:53) from Nurse Educator
  2. Engagement Tools in the Online Classroom: Formative Assessment Video (1:49) from Nurse Educator
  3. Student Engagement in Online Nursing Classes (2:15) from Nurse Educator
  4. Faculty Perceptions of Online Teaching Effectiveness and Indicators of Quality from Nursing Research and Practice (2017)
  5. Innovations in Online Learning For Future Nurse Educators from Duquesne University
  6. Insights from the Field: Online Nursing Education in Higher Ed from the Online Learning Consortium
  7. HEAL (Health Education Assets Library)