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Online Teaching Support: Home

This guide provides links to helpful resources for online teaching and learning and will be updated frequently.


Online Teaching Support

The University Libraries (UL) are offering various ways to support online and hybrid teaching at AUB:   

Embed a Librarian in your Course

Fill out this form to add a librarian to your course who can help you prepare course readings, teaching materials, or a Research Guide for the course.

Request Library instruction sessions customized to your class. We offer both asynchronous and synchronous online instructional support and library workshops.

Integrating In Moodle

You can add a librarian to your course in Moodle and create a Discussion Forum where students can ask the librarian questions, or have students send direct messages to their librarian to get research help.

        Contact your Subject Librarian for more information and help:

Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences & other majors: Nabila Shehabeddine, ext. 2629

Business & Economics: Sahar Ghandour, 2659

Communication Skills Program: Joyce Aways ext. 2164

Engineering & Architecture: Khaled Noubani,, ext. 2630

Medicine, Health & Nursing: Ola El-Zein,, ext. 5911

Science & Agriculture: Salpy Naalbandian,, ext. 2165

Copyright permissions Carla Chalhoub,, ext. 2619