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Artificial Intelligence : Scopus AI

This guide provides an overview of this evolving field, its applications in library databases and teaching, along with insights on AI ethics and tools.

Scopus AI

AUB Libraries has a subscription to Scopus AI

What is SCOPUS AI?

Scopus AI is a search tool based on responsible generative artificial intelligence (GenAI). Unlike other LLMs that search the World Wide Web, the knowledge base of Scopus AI is derived from the metadata within the Scopus database which covers more than 27,800+ peer-reviewed journals and 330,000+ books  from over 7,000 scholarly publishers, as well as 50,000 open access (OA) publishers and OA repositories, and records from MEDLINE and EMBASE, making it a standard across STEM and non-STEM disciplines. Scopus AI is now part of the library's subscription. 

What can SCOPUS AI offer researchers?  

  • Trusted content
  • Natural Language queries assisted with RAG Fusion technology
  • Go Deeper and find Foundational Papers
  • Research Summarization with references to the original
  • Concept Maps: For a bird’s-eye view, Scopus AI generates Concept maps using keywords from research abstracts
  • Topic Experts: Scopus AI suggests top researchers linked to your query, providing summaries of their work and contributions
  • Follow-up questions to the initial query

For more information about Scopus AI, check this link or contact the libraries

How to get started with Scopus AI?

  1. From the Scopus homepage page, select the 'Scopus AI' tab.
  2. Enter your query in the field.
  3. Press 'Enter' or select the search icon.
  4. From the result page, you can:
  • View a cited document: Select a numbered citation from the summary to open a side-panel showing the referenced document.
  • Show all references: Select 'Show references' to show all of the references in the side-panel. From the side-panel you show the abstract, and select the document, author(s), or publication. The information opens in a new tab.
  • Show a visualization of the result: Select 'Visualize it' to visually map the search results, providing a comprehensive visual explanation that allows simple navigation of complex relationships.
  • Copy the result: Select the copy icon to the copy the summary and its references to your clipboard.
  • Explore relevant related queries: Select any of the Go deeper links to gain further insights.

For more refer to Scopus LibGuide: Scopus AI