"In 1948 eighty-five percent of Palestinians in the part of Palestine that became Israel were displaced, 675 towns and villages were depopulated while their lands and properties were confiscated. Palestinians refer to this experience as their Nakba"
Dr. Salman Abu-Sitta - The Return Journey
Documentary series on Al-Nakba from Al-Jazeera English: Episode1; Episode 2; Episode 3; and Episode 4.
Al-Nakba: 70 years of exile.
For additional documentaries or videos click here.
Declaration of the State of Israel
Palestine and the Nakba
The Process of Palestinian Dispossession
"If I were to sum up the [1897] Basle Conference in one word - it would be this: at Basle I founded the Jewish State ..." Theodor Herzel, Founder of Zionism [from his own diaries] |
Major Events of Palestine History from 1887 to 1948
1896: Publication of Der Jundenstat (The Jewish State) by Theodore Herzl. 1897: First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland. Basel Declaration: calls for the establishment of a home for Jewish in Palestine. 1901: Establishment of Jewish National Fund. Main idea behind it is to fundraising in the purpose of purchasing land. 1914: First World War starts. 1916: Great Arab Revolt. The revolt was against the Ottoman rule and was initiated by Sharif Hussein in June 1916. 1917: Belfour Declaration. 1918: Battle of Meggido: Palestine occupied by allied forces under British General Allenby. 1919: First Palestinian National Congress in Jerusalem send memoranda to Paris Peace Conference rejecting Balfour Declaration and demanding independence. 1920: Treaty of Sevres. 1920: Founding of Histadrust, a trade union which would organize the economic activities of Jewish workers. 1921: Founding of Haganah, the Zionist's illegal underground military organization. 1922:
1933: Adolph Hitler assumes power over Germany. 1936: Beginning of Arab Revolt calling for an end to Jewish immigration and a stop to Jewish ownership of land in Palestine. 1937: Arab Higher Committee rejects the Royal Commission proposal known as Peel Commission. 1938: Palestine Partition Commission (Woodhead Commission) report declares impracticability of Royal Commission's partition proposal. 1939: World War Two starts. 1942: Biltmore Conference. It recommended an end to British Mandate and called for the founding of Jewish Commonwealth. 1945:
Inaugural lecture by Dr. Salman Abu Sitta on the foundation of Palestine Land Studies Center (PLSC) at AUB for the documentation and study of Palestine’s Land and People. Click here for more videos.