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Tools for Physicians

This libguide aims to collect, in one place, resources that most physicians use quite often.

Listen to your Patient, he is telling you the Diagnosis

(William Osler)

For YOUR Patients

Case Reports

Case reports are descriptions of practice that can generate ideas, hypotheses, and techniques that can be studied later through controlled experiments. This conveys experiences to other clinicians while revealing hypotheses for future research. It might persuade or motivate other practitioners, or help develop practice guidelines and critical pathways (McEwen, 2001).

Open Access (OA)BMJ Case Reports

Open Access (OA)Journal of Medical case Reports

(Biomed Central)

Sage Open Medical Case Reports American Journal of Case Reports Open Access (OA)DSM-5 Clinical Cases

Below resources specialize in case reports publishing:

Medical journals that publish case-based learning sections:
Information about writing case reports:

Interactive Case Reports, check here.

McEwen, I. (2001). Writing case reports: A how-to manual for clinicians. American Physical Therapy Association.


Protocols are detailed written set of instructions that guide the care of a patient or assist the nurse in the performance of a specific procedure

Springer Link





(Under "Procedure Videos")


Current Procedures: Pediatrics

Wiley Protocols

Current Procedures: Surgery Open Access (OA)NICE FlowCharts

Trial Registries


Open Access (OA)

International Standard Randomised

Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN)

Open Access (OA)EU Clinical Trials Register


Open Access (OA)International Clinical Trial Registry

Platform (ICTRP)

CENTRAL part of Cochrane Library Open Access (OA)UK Clinical Trials Gateway
Open Access (OA)Open Trials

For more information on clinical trials, read the NEJM Changing Face of Clinical Trials, these articles evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of current approaches, provide insight into the problems faced in various settings, and address current and emerging challenges in trial design and conduct.

Creating e-mail alerts

You can stay up-to-date by receiving automatic email alerts in any of the below:
•    particular journal(s)
•    particular topic of interest
•    alerts to see who have cited one of your paper(s)
•    alerts about recent EBM documents in your specialty
•    medicines and prescribing awareness alerts
Things you can do:
•    Create e-mail alert from NEJM Journal Watch (this can be done by specialty)

Finding Grants

The following sources provide options for receiving automatic updates on funding opportunities by email.

For New & Early Stage Investigators, please use

Meaning of logos that you will see in this libguide

 Open Access (OA): Freely accessible resource to anyone anywhere

Podcast: Audio file made available for the written text on the Internet

Mobile App: The link on instructions to download the resource to your mobile, click on it to take you to the related page


last updated Jun 3, 2020