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Tools for Physicians

This libguide aims to collect, in one place, resources that most physicians use quite often.

Where to look articles up?

Use one or more of below resources to find scholarly articles that talk about a particular medical topic:

Medline(OVID) PubMed Embase ClinicalKey NCBI Resources
CAB Direct Scopus Web of Science Global Index Medicus Elsevier ScienceDirect
HighWire Press Springer Wiley Online Library LWW (Lippincott Walters Kluwer) Karger

These are some but not all the resources out there, please check here for more.

Meaning of logos

 Open Access (OA): Freely accessible resource to anyone anywhere

Mobile App: The link on instructions to download the resource to your mobile, click on it to take you to the related page

How to Search for a Particular Article?

Step 1
Download “Endnote Click" (Formerly Koperniowhich is an Add-On to Chrome and Mozilla FireFox, upon registering the first time, you will be asked about your institution
Step 2
Look for the exact title of the article between quotations (ditch the subtitles if the title with the subtitle is not found) in SEARCHALL
By clicking on “Full text Online”, you will be directed to the article directly or
The link takes you to the following Article Linker
Note if the word “Article” is not mentioned, then you can click on “Journal” and then look under the specific year for the specific volume, and then the issue in that particular volume. Then the article’s title or page number in the issue. 
Step 3
Look for the exact title of the article between quotations (ditch the subtitles if the title with the subtitle is not found) in Google Scholar.
By clicking on “Full text Online”, you will be directed to the article directly or
The link takes you to the following Article Linker

Note if the word “Article” is not mentioned, then you can click on “Journal” and then look under the specific year for the specific volume, and then the issue in that particular volume. Then the article’s title or page number in the issue. 


Step 4
Look up the name of the journal.
Click on SML Journals, type in the name of the Journal, select the journal, then look up the year, then volume, then issue, then article.
Sometimes the journal allows the search within, where you can search the exact title of the article between “”
Step 5
Look the title between quotations in google adding to it researchgate or, example is in the screenshot below
You might find it in these hubs free to download or ask the authors to provide you with it.
Step 6
Email the citation to, if none of the above steps worked.
Meaning of logos

 Open Access (OA): Freely accessible resource to anyone anywhere

Mobile App: The link on instructions to download the resource to your mobile, click on it to take you to the related page

last updated Jun 3, 2020