A guide prepared by Ms. S. Nalbandian targeted to outline some of the common types of reviews including literature, systematic, and scoping reviews, and lists some ways by which University Librarians can assist in conducting such reviews.
This module provides an easy way to search for the Arab World Literature using the various resources available at SML. You are advised to look into the search terms used below for a better understanding of what countries are included, as there might be a slight difference in what is presented here and what you are aiming at. If you have any comments about below strategies we would love to hear from you!
africa, northern/ or algeria/ or egypt/ or libya/ or morocco/ or tunisia/ or south sudan/ or sudan/ or middle east/ or bahrain/ or iraq/ or jordan/ or kuwait/ or lebanon/ or oman/ or qatar/ or saudi arabia/ or syria/ or united arab emirates/ or yemen/ or somalia/ or mauritania/ or djibouti/ or arabs/ or comoros/ or (algeria* or bahrain* or comoros* or egypt* or iraq* or jordan* or kuwait* or kuweit* or leban* or liban* or lubnan* or lobnan* or yemen* or aden or sanaa or UAE or Emirat* or (abu adj dhabi) or dubai or libya* or morocco or moroccan* or oman* or muscat or palestin* or ghazza or ghaza or gaza or (west* adj2 bank) or q?atar* or katar* or saudi* or KSA or Syria* or tunis* or ((east* or north*) adj2 africa*) or sudan* or djibouti* or somali* or mauritania* or ifni or (trucial adj state*) or MENA or EMRO or ((middle or near) adj2 east*) or (east* adj2 mediterranean) or orient or arabs or arab or arabia or levant).mp.
africa, northern[mesh] OR south sudan[mesh:noexp] OR sudan[mesh:noexp] OR middle east[mesh:noexp] OR bahrain[mesh:noexp] OR iraq[mesh:noexp] OR jordan[mesh:noexp] OR kuwait[mesh:noexp] OR lebanon[mesh:noexp] OR oman[mesh:noexp] OR qatar[mesh:noexp] OR saudi arabia[mesh:noexp] OR syria[mesh:noexp] OR united arab emirates[mesh:noexp] OR yemen[mesh:noexp] OR algeria*[tw] OR somalia[mesh:noexp] OR mauritania[mesh:noexp] OR djibouti[mesh:noexp] OR arabs[mesh:noexp] OR comoros[mesh:noexp] OR bahrain*[tw] OR egypt*[tw] OR iraq*[tw] OR jordan*[tw] OR kuwait*[tw] OR lebanon[tw] OR lebanese[tw] OR libanaise[tw] OR yemen*[tw] OR aden[tw] OR sanaa[tw] OR UAE[tw] OR emirat*[tw] OR abu-dhabi[tw] OR dubai[tw] OR libya*[tw] OR morocco[tw] OR moroccan*[tw] OR oman*[tw] OR muscat[tw] OR palestin*[tw] OR gaza[tw] OR west-bank[tw] OR qatar*[tw] OR katar*[tw] OR quatar*[tw] OR saudi*[tw] OR KSA[tw] OR syria*[tw] OR tunis*[tw] OR ifni[tw] OR trucial state*[tw] OR comoros*[tw] OR north africa*[tw] OR northern Africa*[tw] OR sudan*[tw] OR MENA[tw] OR EMRO[tw] OR "middle east*"[tw] OR "east mediterranean"[tw] OR "eastern mediterranean"[tw] OR "near east*"[tw] OR orient[tw] OR arabs[tw] OR arab[tw] OR arabia[tw] OR somali*[tw] OR mauritania*[tw] OR djibouti*[tw] OR levant[tw]
((MH "Middle East+") OR (MH "Africa, Northern+")) OR (TI ((middle W2 east*) OR (north* W2 Africa*) OR (west* W2 bank) OR (east* W2 mediterranean) OR lebanon OR lebanese OR algeria* OR bahrain* OR comoros* OR egypt* OR iraq* OR jordan* OR kuwait* OR libanaise OR yemen* OR dubai OR (abu W2 dhabi) OR aden OR sanaa OR UAE OR emirat* OR libya* OR morocco OR moroccan* OR ifni OR (trucial W2 state*) OR oman* OR muscat OR palestin* OR gaza OR qatar* OR katar* OR quatar* OR saudi* OR KSA OR Syria* OR tunis* OR sudan* OR djibouti* OR somali* OR mauritania* OR levant OR MENA OR EMRO OR orient OR arabs OR arab OR arabia) OR AB ((middle W2 east*) OR (north* W2 Africa*) OR (west* W2 bank) OR (east* W2 mediterranean) OR lebanon OR lebanese OR algeria* OR bahrain* OR comoros* OR egypt* OR iraq* OR jordan* OR kuwait* OR libanaise OR yemen* OR dubai OR (abu W2 dhabi) OR aden OR sanaa OR UAE OR emirat* OR libya* OR morocco OR moroccan* OR ifni OR (trucial W2 state*) OR oman* OR muscat OR palestin* OR gaza OR qatar* OR katar* OR quatar* OR saudi* OR KSA OR Syria* OR tunis* OR sudan* OR djibouti* OR somali* OR mauritania* OR levant OR MENA OR EMRO OR orient OR arabs OR arab OR arabia))
'middle east'/de or 'north africa'/exp or ‘lebanon'/exp OR 'syrian arab republic'/exp OR 'bahrain'/exp OR 'sudan'/exp or ‘egypt’/exp or ‘algeria’/exp or ‘iraq’/exp or ‘bahrain’/exp or ‘jordan’/exp or ‘kuwait’/exp or ‘libya’/exp or ‘morocco’/exp or ‘tunisia’/exp or ‘south sudan’/exp or ‘sudan’/exp or ‘oman’/exp or ‘qatar’/exp or ‘saudi arabia’/exp or ‘united arab emirates’/exp or ‘yemen’/exp or ‘palestine’/exp or ‘somalia’/exp or ‘mauritania’/exp or ‘djibouti’/exp or 'arab'/exp or 'comoros'/exp or (algeria* or comoros* or bahrain* or egypt* or iraq* or jordan* or kuwait* or kuweit* or lebanon or lebanese or libanaise or yemen* or aden or sanaa or UAE or Emirat* or (abu NEXT/1 dhabi) or dubai or libya* or morocco or moroccan* or ifni or (trucial NEAR/2 state*) or oman* or muscat or palestin* or gaza or (west NEXT/1 bank) or qatar* or katar* or quatar* or saudi* or KSA or Syria* or tunis* or ((east* or north*) NEAR/2 africa*) or sudan* or djibouti* or somali* or mauritania* or MENA or EMRO or ((middle or near) NEAR/2 east*) or (east* NEXT/2 mediterranean) or orient or arabs or arab or arabia or levant):TI,AB,KW
"Lebanon" OR "lebanese" OR "Syria" OR "Syrian Arab Republic" OR "Egypt" OR "Egyptian" OR "Saudi Arabia" OR "Qatar" OR "Tunisia" OR "Sudan" OR "Morocco" OR "Algeria" OR "Algerian Arab" OR "Middle East" OR "North Africa" OR "Jordan" OR "Kuwait" OR "Bahrain" OR "Palestine" OR "Iraq" OR "Iraqi" OR "Iraq Kurdi" OR "Yemen" OR "Yemen Arab Republic" OR "Yemen Democratic Republic" OR "Dubai" OR "Abu Dhabi" OR "Libya" OR "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya" OR "Libyan Arab Republic" OR "Oman" OR "Omani" OR "Somalia" OR "Djibouti" OR "emirates" OR "MENA" OR "EMRO" OR "arab" OR "arabs"
To search Global Index Medicus (GIM) for the Arab World Literature:
Copy/paste below line after entering your topic terms in the space indicated for that:
[type your topic terms here] AND ("middle east" OR "middle eastern" OR "north africa" OR "northern africa" OR "eastern mediterranean" OR "east mediterranean" OR "west bank" OR algeria or bahrain or egypt or egyptian* or iraq or jordan* or kuwait or lebanon or lebanese or yemen or aden or sanaa or UAE or emirates or dubai or libya or morocco or moroccan or ifni or "trucial state" or oman or muscat or palestin* or gaza or qatar or saudi* or KSA or syria or tunis* or sudan or djibouti or somali or mauritania or comoros or MENA or EMRO or orient or arabs or arab or arabia or levant)
OR to retrieve citations from IMEMR or Eastern Mediterranean region, copy/paste below line after entering your topic terms in the space indicated for that:
[type topic terms here] AND (instance:"ghl") AND (db:("IMEMR") OR regional_office:("emro"))
Note: GIM displays on the right hand column of the results page options for filtering results such as "IMEMR(EMRO)" under Index, and "Eastern Mediterranean" under Region. the above suggested strategy retrieves documents under either one of these filters.
Copy/paste the below strategy and add this to your topic while searching in the advanced mode:
MAINSUBJECT.EXACT("Arabs") OR ti((algeria* OR bahrain* OR egypt* OR iraq* OR jordan* OR kuwait* OR lebanon OR lebanese OR libanaise OR yemen* OR aden OR sanaa OR UAE OR Emirat* OR (abu NEAR/2 dhabi) OR dubai OR comoros* OR libya* OR morocco OR moroccan* OR ifni OR (trucial NEAR/2 state*) OR oman* OR muscat OR palestin* OR gaza OR ("west bank") OR qatar* OR saudi* OR KSA OR syria* OR tunis* OR (north* NEAR/2 africa*) OR sudan* OR djibouti* OR somali* OR mauritania* OR MENA OR EMRO OR levant OR (middle NEAR/2 east*) OR ("near east*") OR (east* NEAR/2 mediterranean) OR orient OR arabs OR arab OR arabia)) OR ab((algeria* OR bahrain* OR egypt* OR iraq* OR jordan* OR kuwait* OR lebanon OR lebanese OR libanaise OR yemen* OR aden OR sanaa OR UAE OR Emirat* OR (abu NEAR/2 dhabi) OR dubai OR comoros* OR libya* OR morocco OR moroccan* OR ifni OR (trucial NEAR/2 state*) OR oman* OR muscat OR palestin* OR gaza OR ("west bank") OR qatar* OR saudi* OR KSA OR syria* OR tunis* OR (north* NEAR/2 africa*) OR sudan* OR djibouti* OR somali* OR mauritania* OR MENA OR EMRO OR levant OR (middle NEAR/2 east*) OR ("near east*") OR (east* NEAR/2 mediterranean) OR orient OR arabs OR arab OR arabia))
TI ((middle W2 east*) OR (north* W2 Africa*) OR (east* W2 mediterranean) OR lebanon OR lebanese OR algeria* OR bahrain* OR egypt* OR iraq* OR jordan* OR kuwait* OR libanaise OR yemen* OR dubai OR (abu W2 dhabi) OR aden OR sanaa OR UAE OR emirat* OR libya* OR morocco OR moroccan* OR ifni OR (trucial W2 state) OR (west* W2 bank) OR oman* OR muscat OR palestin* OR gaza OR qatar* OR katar* OR quatar* OR saudi* OR KSA OR Syria* OR comoros* OR tunis* OR sudan* OR djibouti* OR somali* OR mauritania* OR levant OR MENA OR EMRO OR orient OR arabs OR arab OR arabia) OR AB ((middle W2 east*) OR (north* W2 Africa*) OR (east* W2 mediterranean) OR lebanon OR lebanese OR algeria* OR bahrain* OR egypt* OR iraq* OR jordan* OR kuwait* OR libanaise OR yemen* OR dubai OR (abu W2 dhabi) OR aden OR sanaa OR UAE OR emirat* OR libya* OR morocco OR moroccan* OR ifni OR (trucial W2 state) OR (west* W2 bank) OR oman* OR muscat OR palestin* OR gaza OR qatar* OR katar* OR quatar* OR saudi* OR KSA OR Syria* OR comoros* OR tunis* OR sudan* OR djibouti* OR somali* OR mauritania* OR levant OR MENA OR EMRO OR orient OR arabs OR arab OR arabia) OR KW ((middle W2 east*) OR (north* W2 Africa*) OR (east* W2 mediterranean) OR lebanon OR lebanese OR algeria* OR bahrain* OR egypt* OR iraq* OR jordan* OR kuwait* OR libanaise OR yemen* OR dubai OR (abu W2 dhabi) OR aden OR sanaa OR UAE OR emirat* OR libya* OR morocco OR moroccan* OR ifni OR (trucial W2 state) OR (west* W2 bank) OR oman* OR muscat OR palestin* OR gaza OR qatar* OR katar* OR quatar* OR saudi* OR KSA OR Syria* OR comoros* OR tunis* OR sudan* OR djibouti* OR somali* OR mauritania* OR levant OR MENA OR EMRO OR orient OR arabs OR arab OR arabia)
Arab World Research Source is a database that contains information about the Arab countries; so when you search this source there is no need to include the Arab countries as a concept (as all information is about this region). Only search for the other concepts in your topic and remember you can search as controlled subject terms or keywords to broaden the result.
To search Google for the Arab world literature is not an easy thing because Google does not have a controlled vocabulary (like MeSH) and has a limit of maximum 32 words for searching. That is why here we opted to include some of these countries to keep space for maximum 5 words to represent the topic of interest. For a comprehensive search we suggest that you contact us, but for a quick search, copy/paste below strategy and follow this with a maximum 5 words to reflect your topic:
“north Africa”|Egypt|Libya|morocco|Tunisia|sudan|bahrain|Iraq|Jordan|Kuwait|Lebanon|”middle east”|Qatar|saudi|oman|Syria|emirates|lebanese|”abu dhabi”|dubai|Palestine|“eastern mediterranean”|arab
MeSH descriptor: [Bahrain] this term only
MeSH descriptor: [Iraq] this term only
MeSH descriptor: [Jordan] this term only
MeSH descriptor: [Kuwait] this term only
MeSH descriptor: [Lebanon] this term only
MeSH descriptor: [Oman] this term only
MeSH descriptor: [Qatar] this term only
MeSH descriptor: [Saudi Arabia] this term only
MeSH descriptor: [Middle East] this term only
MeSH descriptor: [Syria] this term only
MeSH descriptor: [United Arab Emirates] this term only
MeSH descriptor: [Yemen] this term only
MeSH descriptor: [Mauritania] this term only
MeSH descriptor: [Arabs] this term only
MeSH descriptor: [South Sudan] this term only
MeSH descriptor: [Sudan] this term only
MeSH descriptor: [Somalia this term only
MeSH descriptor: [Djibouti] this term only
MeSH descriptor: [Africa, Northern] explode all trees
MeSH descriptor: [Mauritania] this term only
MeSH descriptor: [Comoros] this term only
OR a
(lgeria* OR bahrain* OR comoros* OR egypt* OR iraq* OR jordan* OR kuwait* OR kuweit* OR leban* OR liban* OR lubnan* OR lobnan* OR yemen OR aden OR sanaa OR UAE OR emirat* OR (abu NEXT dhabi) OR dubai OR libya* OR morocco OR moroccan* OR oman* OR muscat OR palestin* OR ghazza OR ghaza OR gaza OR (west NEAR/2 bank) OR qatar* OR katar* OR q?atar* OR saudi* OR KSA OR syria* OR tunis* OR ((east* or north*) NEAR/2 africa*) OR sudan* OR dijibouti* OR somali* OR mauritania* OR ifni OR (trucial NEXT state*) OR MENA OR EMRO OR ((middle OR near) NEAR/2 east*) OR (east* NEAR/2 mediterranean) OR orient OR arab* OR arabia OR levant):ti,ab,kw
Copy/paste the below lines and add them to the Advanced Search query box:
TITLE-ABS-KEY((middle W/2 east*) OR (north* W/2 Africa*) OR (east* W/2 mediterranean) OR lebanon OR lebanese OR algeria* OR bahrain* OR egypt* OR iraq* OR jordan* OR kuwait* OR libanaise OR comoros* OR yemen* OR dubai OR (abu W/2 dhabi) OR aden OR sanaa OR UAE OR emirat* OR libya* OR morocco OR moroccan* OR ifni OR "trucial state" OR oman* OR muscat OR palestin* OR gaza OR (west* W/2 bank) OR qatar* OR katar* OR quatar* OR saudi* OR KSA OR Syria* OR tunis* OR sudan* OR djibouti* OR somali* OR mauritania* OR levant OR MENA OR EMRO OR orient OR arabs OR arab OR arabia)
TS=(algeria* or bahrain* or egypt* or iraq* or jordan* or kuwait* or kuweit* or lebanon or lebanese or libanaise or yemen* or aden or sanaa or UAE or Emirat* or (abu NEAR/2 dhabi) or dubai or libya* or morocco or moroccan* or ifni or (trucial NEAR/2 state) or oman* or muscat or comoros* or palestin* or gaza or ("west bank") or qatar* or katar* or quatar* or saudi* or KSA or Syria* or tunis* or (north* NEAR/2 africa*) or sudan* or djibouti* or somali* or mauritania* or MENA or EMRO or levant or (middle NEAR/2 east*) or "Near east*" or (east* NEAR/2 mediterranean) or orient or arabs or arab or arabia)