Usually one starts with Medline (OVID) to develop the search strategy using MeSHes and keywords, and when final, then move to other resources using the same terminology or very similar one. In addition to health resources, SR topics may require use of non-health resources; such as the ones listed below. To decide which ones to choose depends on the particular question being addressed, along with availability/cost...
Embase / Cochrane Collaboration / CENTRAL / EconLit / CINAHL / LILACS / IMEMR / Global Index Medicus / POPLINE / PsycInfo / ERIC / AMED / Campbell Collaboration / Proquest Central / Scopus / Web of Science / Global Health / Health Services Research from PubMed…
For more information see Leeds Institute of Health Sciences: Finding Randomised Controlled Trials
If topic of interest involves drugs or devices, contact the company or manufacturer for unpublished studies available in their databases. For drugs also search:
For Medical Devices also seach:
PubMed Search Strategies blog aims to share by posting PubMed search strategies (created by international medical librarians) in the hope that others will benefit from the work already created.