Between the 9th and 12 centuries, philosophers in the Islamic world discovered and responded to the thinking of Aristotle and the ancient Greeks. They synthesized those ideas with concepts from their religion and culture to create original works of philosophy which exerted great influence on medieval Christian thinkers, particularly Thomas Aquinas.
Hundreds of books and articles on Islamic philosophy, from the classical to modern works of Muslim philosophy. Includes "Dictionary of Islamic philosophy", "Map of Islamic philosophy", "Major Islamic philosophers", and "The Journal of Islamic philosophy".
Selected, annotated bibliographies, arranged by broad topic (e.g. epistemology, free will) and major philosopher. Each section includes an introductory essay written by a scholar. Part of Oxford Bibliographies Online.
Online version of the 2 volume original. Brief, signed entries. Not all entries are biographical--some entries treat concepts in Islamic philosophy, and these tend to be longer. Entries include bibliographies of secondary sources/further reading. Bibliographies not annotated.
Identifies journal articles, books, and book chapters on all aspects of philosophy. Indexes publications from 1902-present.
Identifies journal articles, books, book chapters, and conference proceedings in European languages on all aspects of Islam and the Muslim world. Indexes publications from 1906-present.
Guides, Companions, Handbooks
Call Number: 016.18107 D14b
ISBN: 9004113479
Publication Date: 1999
2 vols. Comprehensive overview of a complex field [. . .] Written for general readers and scholars, it also does well in providing information for the curious reader. Scholars will note the comprehensiveness of the endeavor (from ARBA review).
Call Number: 181.92 ONLINE
ISBN: 0521817439
Publication Date: 2005
"The richness of the contributions, ranging from readily accessible surveys (e.g., Isma'ilis) to in-depth treatments of seminal thinkers (e.g., Avicenna) is staggering--and remarkably even. Perhaps this is due to what must have been a conscious effort to interrelate the offerings without imposing a party-line viewpoint on the contributors: there is clearly no 'intellectual closed shop' here" (from CHOICE review by S. P. Blackburn)
Call Number: 2017
ISBN: 9780199983957
Publication Date: 2017
Call Number: 181.07 P5492p
ISBN: 9004323163
Publication Date: 2016
Encyclopedias and Dictionaries
Call Number: Online Resource
Based on A Dictionary of Muslim Philosophy.
Call Number: 181.0703 G893i
ISBN: 0748620893
Publication Date: 2007
A unique introductory guide to the rich, complex and diverse tradition of Islamic philosophy. Islamic Philosophy A-Z comprises over a hundred concise entries, alphabetically ordered and cross-referenced for easy access. All the essential aspects of Islamic philosophy are covered here: key figures, schools, concepts, topics, and issues. Articles on the Peripatetics, Isma'ilis, Illuminationists, Sufis, kalam theologians and later modern thinkers are supplemented by entries on classical Greek influences as well as Jewish philosophers who lived and worked in the Islamic world. Topical entries cover various issues and key positions in all the major areas of philosophy, making clear why the central problems of Islamic philosophy have been, and remain, matters of rational disputation.This book will prove an indispensable resource to anyone who wishes to gain a better understanding of this fascinating intellectual tradition. Islamic Philosophy A-Z helps explain how philosophy expresses itself within the Islamic context. Islamic philosophy is not reducible to Islam as a religion or "it has no uniquely "Islamic" essence". Groff uses various sources from schools of theology (Isma'ilis, Sufis, etc), to Greek philosophers. He provides over a hundred concise entries: key figures, schools, concepts, topics, and issues. (from Arab Studies Quarterly review
IIntroductions and Surveys
Call Number: B741 .L42 2001
ISBN: 0745619614
Publication Date: 2001
In less than two hundred pages Leaman (Liverpool John Moores Univ.) surveys central topics including the interaction of Islam and philosophy, knowledge, ontology, mysticism, ethics, politics, and language. He begins by attacking head-on Western prejudices about Muslims being terrorists and the notion that Islam is hostile to rationality and philosophy. He carefully articulates the different concepts of reason and knowledge at work throughout the tradition and shows how they both grounded rich interchanges among philosophers, theologians, and mystics. (from CHOICE review by J. Bussanich)
Call Number: 181.07 L474i2002
ISBN: 0521797578
Publication Date: 2002
Call Number: 181.07 F17h2004
ISBN: 0231132212
Publication Date: 2004
3d ed. ...its chief value is that it is based on expert knowledge of the sources and gives a detailed account in a lucid, authoritative exposition of the main trends and movements of speculation in Islam from al-Kindi through the Middle Ages to the present. It shows the close link between theology and philosophy and of both with theosophy. The reader is made aware of the relevance of Islamic thought for medieval theology, philosophy and mysticism by a master of his subject (from Middle East Journal review)
Call Number: B741 .H58 1996 [History Library]
ISBN: 0415131596
Publication Date: 1996
2 vols. History of Islamic Philosophy makes available, as never before, the full sweep of this rich and complex philosophical tradition. Part 1 surveys the religious and intellectual background. Parts 2 and 3 offer portraits of classical philosophers like Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd. Parts 4 and 5 focus on important mystical philosophers like Ibn 'Arabi and Mulla Sadra. Part 6 surveys Jewish philosophers in the lslamic context. Part 7 examines 11 systematic areas, from metaphysics to law. The last two parts address philosophy in the contemporary Islamic world and modern Western interpretations of Islamic philosophy. (from CHOICE review by J. Bussanich)
Call Number: 181.07 C151i:E
ISBN: 0748626085
Publication Date: 2008
Call Number: 181.07 L474i
ISBN: 0521289114
Publication Date: 1985
A valuable and balanced popular account of the Islamic controversies concerning creation, resurrection, and divine knowledge of particulars. Leaman's work also treats the tension between reason and revelation and questions raised by subjectivism (is a thing right because God so determines?) and the pursuit of human happiness (attained by philosophy, morality, or piety?). Chiefly studied: al-Farabi, Avicenna, Al-Ghazali, Averroes, with close attention paid to their Jewish counterpart, Maimonides, who summed up and responded to their work. There is helpful reference to Greek philosophic and Islamic theological backgrounds. The carefully annotated work discusses a fascinating debate between the Christian translator Abu Bishr Matta (870-940) and the Mutazilite theologian al-Sirafi (893-979). Abu Bishr defends logic as the canon of argument; his detractor argues that logics are relative to the languages they regulate. Leaman notes that this issue is still debated today and provides a suitably distanced setting for consideration of the great metaphysical questions that this book addresses. (from CHOICE review by L.E. Goodman)
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Islamic Philosophy A-Z by Peter Groff
Publication Date: 2007
Encyclopedia of Islam, Three (Brill) by Marc Gaborieau, editor
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