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Fake News: Check Your News

The guide will help you spot and fight fake news using useful checklists, fact-checking tools, library resources, and other sources.


"The topic of fake news is as old as the news industry itself-misinformation, hoaxes, propaganda, and satire have long been in existence. The guide will help you determine the kinds of fake news that exist and provide tools for how to evaluate news for its reliability and truth", more ...

What to check ?

Evaluate your source using the CRAAP Test - Currency, Relevance, Accuracy, Authority, and Purpose.

IFLA infographic with eight simple steps (based on’s 2016 article How to Spot Fake News)

Arabic translation of IFLA infographic "How to Spot Fake News"

Evaluating a News Article: infographic created by EasyBib

Spotting Fake News

Questions to Ask Yourself:

  1. Who is the creator?
  2. What is the message?
  3. Why was this created? - تحقق

 جزء من مشروع تخرج عن مكافحة الأخبار الزائفة المنتشرة على منصات وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي في لبنان

في ظل أزمة الشائعات التي يتم تداولها يوميًّا على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، كيف تكتشف الخبر الزائف؟ شاهد هذا الفيديو