This guide highlights core print and electronic Library resources in the area of Plant Health. Use this guide as your starting point. For more resources and further help, visit the Science & Agriculture Library or Ask a Librarian.
This field guide features 700 photographs and illustrations to facilitate the monitoring and diagnostic of pest problems of strawberry, raspberry and highbush blueberry.
Presents state-of-the-art biological, molecular, and immunological advances surrounding the causes and strategies for diagnosing and controlling virus diseases of stone fruits. It includes information on economic impact, biology, distribution, taxonomy, genomes, epidemiology, pathogenicity detection, and control measures.
Covers the extensive progress made in citrus disease studies since the publication of the first popular edition 12 years ago. This modern edition contains newly discovered strains of citrus diseases, expanded details on many pathogens, and important classification revisions of citrus pathogens.
As useful to growers and crop consultants as they are to researchers, these practical guidebooks offer convenient help in identifying, controlling, and preventing the diseases of major crop plants.