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Women in the Arab World: Women's Rights

This is a guide to library and web resources to support research in Women's Studies in the Arab World

Women's Rights in Lebanon

Amendments in the Lebanese Law


Political rights: The government issued a legislative decree that made the electoral lists include the names of both Lebanese males and females.


Equality in inheritance: The inheritance law, entitled "Non-Muhammadis", which established equality between males and females, was issued by a decree of the Government.                                                                    


Women's right to choose nationality: Women have the right to keep her nationality or to take the nationality of their Lebanese husband upon request or one year after the marriage registration date.


Freedom of movement: The requirement for married women to obtain a travel permit signed by their husbands and certified by the Mukhtar has been removed.


Abolition of rulings against provisions for contraception: The two articles of the Lebanese Penal Code punishable by imprisonment and fine have been repealed by those who prescribe or broadcast methods of contraception, or offer or acquire for the purpose of sale any contraceptive or ease its use.


Unification of the age of retirement for men and women in the Social Security Law: Compensation becomes a provision for both wage-earners at the age of sixty-four, with either of them entitled to request compensation at the age of 60.


Recognition of the eligibility of women to testify in the land registry: amendment of the rulings that required the presence of two male witnesses to recognize the validity of the contents of the record, and deletion of the word "males".


Recognition of the eligibility of the married woman to practice trade without her husband's permission: The rulings that required a woman to obtain her husband's explicit or implicit consent were amended and her full eligibility for the exercise of trade was recognized.


The right of an employee of the diplomatic corps who marries a foreigner to follow up her duties: The procedure for the transfer of the female employee to the central administration was canceled.


Eligibility of the married women with regard to life insurance contracts: amending the article stating that the law does not permit the holding of a conditional guarantee on the death of a married woman unless the husband permits the removal of the incapacity of women.


Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.


Abolition of the excuse given by the rulings of the Penal Code related to so-called honor crimes.

Women's Rights in the Arab Countries

International Declarations and Conventions