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SciFinder is a discovery tool provided by Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) for chemical structure & reaction and forward cited-reference searches.

Export citations from SciFinder-n to EndNote

In SciFindern:

  • Select the needed citations by clicking the box to the left of them in your search result. 
  • Click on Download results (icon on the top right) 
  • In the popup box, select Citation (.ris) under the File Type section.
  • Click on Download on the bottom of the pop up window. 


If you have EndNote installed on your computer, double click on the .ris file you just downloaded to import the citations into your EndNote Library. 

Export citations from SciFinder to EndNote

In SciFinder:

  • Select the needed citations by clicking the box to the left of them in your search result.
  • Click on Export (on the top right of the navigation bar) 
  • In the popup box, select Citation export format (*.ris) under the For:Citation Manager section.
  • Edit the file name and remember it. 
  • Click on Export on the bottom. Remember where you saved the downloaded .ris file. 

If you have EndNote installed on your computer, you may double click the .ris file you just downloaded to import the citations into your EndNote Library.