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Ottoman Studies Research Guide: Books

This guide aims to help researchers working in the field of Ottoman studies particularly, and Islamic history in general, to find suitable materials for their research from the large collection of books, manuscripts, photographs, maps...etc, that were pro

Panorama of Constantinople

Unknown Artist, 18th Century (PD-art-100)

History and Politics

تاريخ تدنيات عثمانيه ومقدرات تاريخي

Transliterated Title: Tarih-i Tedenniyat-ı Osmaniye ve Mukadderat-ı Tarihiyye (Ottoman Turkish)

Call Number: J 956.1:N97taT:c.1

Publication Date: 1331 Hijri = c. 1912

A History of Ottoman Decline in Several Aspects: Administrative, Economic, Physical, Ethical, Religious...etc.  and the Empire's historical capabilities, with comparisons to Other Historical States. Written by Celâl Nuri and Published in Istanbul.

لاله دورى: ١١٣٠-١١٤٣

Transliterated Title: Lâle Devri: 1130 - 1143 (Ottoman Turkish)

Call Number: 309.1561:R13LT:c.1

Publication Date: 1331 Hijri = c. 1912

The 4th Edition of a History Book Concerned With the Period That Extends from 21 July 1718 to 28 September 1730, Which is Known By Historians as the "Tulip Period = Lâle Devri" Derived From the Tulip Craze Among the Ottoman Court Society. Written by Ahmet Refik.

رسملى وخريطەلى عثمانلى تاريخ 

Transliterated Title: Resimli ve Haritalı Osmanlı Tarihi (Ottoman Turkish)

Call Number: J 956:R22uT:v.1:c.1

Publication Date: 1328 - 1339 Hijri = c. 1910 - 1911

A 4 Volume Work by Ahmet Rasim, Published in Istanbul. An Illustrated History of the Ottoman Empire, Includes Several Drawings of Notable People, Paintings of Famous Battles or Locations, and Maps With Explanations in Ottoman Turkish.

The History of The Growth and Decay of the Ottoman Empire

Call Number: CH:F 956:C23h:c.1

Publication Date: 1756

A History Book Concerned With the Rise, Expansion, and The Start of the Downfall of the Ottoman Empire. Written by Dimitrie Cantemir in Latin Originally. It was Printed in London in 1734 for the 1st Time After Circulating Europe In Manuscript Form and was the Most Important Source About the Ottoman Empire in the West.

عثمانلى تاريخى

Transliterated Title: Osmanlı Tarihi (Ottoman Turkish)

 Call Number: J 956.1:N174uT:v.1:c.1

 Publication Date: 1326 Hijri = c. 1911

A 4 Volume Title Published in 2 Books. Concerned With the History of the Ottoman Empire. Part of a Series Entitled "Külliyat-i Kemal = The Complete Works of Kemal". Written by Namık Kemal and Published in Istanbul. Unlike Resimli ve Haritalı Osmanlı Tarihi, This Book is Mainly Text.

ترجمة الخط الشريف السلطاني والقانون الأساسي

Transliterated Title: Tarjamat Al-Khaṭṭ Al-Sharīf Al-Sulṭānī Wa-Al-Qānūn Al-Asāsī (Arabic).

Call Number: CA 342.56:T93tA:1876:c.1

Publication Date: 1294 Hijri = c. 1876

The Second Edition of an Arabic Translation of the Kānûn-ı Esâsî = Ottoman Constitution. Printed in Al-Jawā’ib Press, Istanbul, in 1294 Hijri = c. 1876, by order of the Bāb-ı Ālī = Sublime Porte. It consists of 119 Articles. The Publishing Date Indicates that its From the First Constitutional Era.

تقرير عن مالية لبنان

Transliterated title: Taqrīr ʻan Māliyat Lubnān (Arabic).

Author: Saʻīd Pasha Shuqayr.

Call Number (2 copies): CA 336.569:S56A:c.1;  CA 336.569:S56A:c.2 

Publication Date: 1913

A Report Concerning Mount Lebanon's Finance Prepared by Saʻīd Pasha Shuqayr and Presented to Ohannes Kouyoumdjian Pasha, the Last Christian Mutasarrif of Mount Lebanon, in 1913, About Two Years Before His Resignation and the direct Ottoman Administration of the Mutasarrifate.

تواريخ آل عثمان

Transliterated Title: Tevārīḫ-i Āl-i ʿOsmān

Author: Aşıkpaşazade

Call Number:J 956.1:A824tT:c.1

Publication Date: 1332 Hijri = c. 1913

One of the, If Not the Most Famous Work of Ottoman Historian Aşıkpaşazade. This Work Deals With Ottoman History From the Beginning of the Ottoman Empire Until the Time of Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror. Published in Istanbul by Matbaa-i Âmire.



Literature and Thought

تاريخ استقبال: مسائل اجتماعيه

Transliterated Title: Tarih-i İstikbâl: Mesâil-i İctimâiye (Ottoman Turkish).

Call Number: J 320.5:N97tT:v.3:c.1

Publication Date: 1332 Hijri = c. 1913

The 3rd Volume in a Series entitled: Tarih-i İstikbâl, Concerned With Social Issues that Might Arise in the Future. The Previous Two Volumes are Concerned With Intellectual Issues = Mesâil-i Fikriye (Vol. I) and Basic Ones = Mesâil-i Esâsiye (Vol. II).

عثمانلى ادبياتى نمونەلرى

Transliterated Title: Osmanlı Edebiyatı Nümuneleri (Ottoman Turkish)

Call Number: J 894.3508:J26uT:c.1

Publication Date: 1312 Hijri = c. 1894

A Book Concerned With Samples of Ottoman Literature, Particularly Poetry. Includes Short Biographies of Notable Ottoman, Turkic, and Persian Writers and Poets, Such as: Khāqānī, Koca Ragıp Pasha, and Şeyh Gâlib.

عثمانلى مشاھير ادباسى

Transliterated Title: Osmanlı Meşahir-i Üdebası (Ottoman Turkish)

Call Number:  J 894.35:Ha433sT:1-6:c.1

Publication Date: 1311 Hijri = c. 1893

A Book Concerned With Some Notable Ottoman Writers. Divided into 5 Sections, Each Restarts the Page Numbering: 1st Section is about Muallim Naci Effendi, 2nd is about Ahmed Midhat Effendi, 3rd is about Akram Bey, 4th is about Ahmed Cevdet Pasha, and the 5th is about Şemseddin Sâmi Bey.

پنچه: اويون ٤ فصل

Transliterated Title: Pençe: Oyun, 4 Fasıl (Ottoman Turkish)

 Call Number:  J 894.352:R244yT:c.1

 Publication Date: 1325 Hijri = c. 1907

A Play Consisting of 4 Chapters Written by Mehmet Rauf and Published in Istanbul. It Translates to The Claw. It Discusses a Forbidden Relationship Between a Married Man and a Woman. It was Adapted into a Film in 1917, Directed by Journalist Sedat Simavi.

مكمل عثمانلى لغتى: انشاى عثمانيده مستعمل عربى، فارسى كلمات وتعبيرات واصطلاحاتى حاويدر

Transliterated Title: Mükemmel Osmanlı Lügatı: İnşa-yı Osmanide Müstamel Arabi Farsi Kelimat ve Tabirat ve Istılahatı Havidür (Ottoman Turkish)

Author: Ali Nazimâ, Reşat.

Call Number: J 494.3:N33mA:c.1.

 Publication Date: 1901

A Detailed Ottoman Turkish / Arabic, Ottoman Turkish / Persian Dictionary. Printed in Beirut in 1901.

تورك ييلى:1928

Transliterated Title: Türk Yılı: 1928 (Ottoman Turkish)

Call Number:  J 915.1:A656tT:c.1

Publication Date: 1928

A Book Concerned With The Events of the Turkic Countries in the year 1928. Although it Was Not Published During the Ottoman Era, it is Included Here as an Example of the Final Days of the Ottoman Turkish Script. Written By Yusuf Akçura.

اتحاد اسلام: اسلامك ماضيسى، حالى، استقبا

Transliterated Title: Ittihad-i İslam: İslamin Mazisi, Hali, İstikbali (Ottoman Turkish)

Call Number: J 297.09:N97T:c.1

Publication Date: 1331 Hijri = c. 1912

A Book Concerned With Unity of Muslims and the Islamic States: How Was It Achieved in the Past, and How to Establish it in the Present and Sustain it For Future Generations, Despite Everything that Hodls it Back Including Foreign Occupations.


Transliterated Title: Seyahatnâme (Ottoman Turkish)

Call Number: CA 915.6:E927sT:v.1:c.1 (Check the Link For All the Volumes)

Publication Date: 1314-1357 Hijri = c. 1896-1938

One of the Most Famous Travel Books Produced by the Islamic Civilization in General, and the Ottoman Era in Particular. Written by Explorer Evliya Çelebi.