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Resources for FM Students

How To?

To search for an article, you can use any of the below methods:

  1. Look for the exact title of the article between " " in SearchAll.
  2. Look for the exact title of the article between " "  in Google Scholar. 
  3. Look for the name of the journal between " " in Journal Finder.
  4. Look for the exact title of the article between " "  in Google, ResearchGate,
  5. Look for the exact title of the article between " "  in PUBMED
  6. Email the citation to

If none of the above steps worked, email the citation to SML Library

N.B: To save time accessing full-text PDFs, download “EndNote Click (formerly Kopernio)” which is an Add-On to Chrome and Mozilla FireFox . 

Only for AUB students: if all of the above didn't work, you can order the article by filling this online DDS form.


To search for a print book, go to the Library Catalog. Under "Material Type", select "Book", type your keywords and hit Submit.

To search for an e-book, click here.

To suggest a title not available in our collection, click here.

  • Biosis Citation Index (BCI) an expansive index to life sciences and biomedical research covering pre-clinical and experimental research, methods, and instrumentation, animal studies and more. It indexes journal articles, meetings, patents, and books.
  • CABI Digital Library indexes journal articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, dissertations, reports, patents in agriculture and the applied life sciences. 
  • Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S) a bibliographic database from Web of Science that covers significant conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops and conventions in a wide range of disciplines in science and technology.
  • Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH) a bibliographic database from Web of Science that covers significant conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia workshops and conventions in a wide range of disciplines in social science and humanities.
  • Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. It includes citation tracking tools.
  • SpringerLink an integrated platform for books, journals, and other materials published by Springer. Includes more than 173,000 titles from every scientific discipline and many social sciences discipline. 481 of the journal titles are accessible from volume one.

  • Web of Science an authoritative and multidisciplinary citation database, allows searching of core journal articles, conference proceedings, data sets. It features "cited reference" search capabilities



To search for a course placed on reserve list, click here.

Type the course name or course number and hit submit


To search for all print and online journals accessible through SML, click here

For a list of Arabic serials go to this link.

Below are some of the most frequently used journals in all disciplines.





For AUB theses/dissertations/projects, use any of the two methods:

  1. Go to Advanced Search within the Library Catalog, under "Material Type" select Dissertation | e-Thesis | Thesis | Project while holding the CTRL or Command key. Type your keywords and hit Submit
  2. Go to AUB ScholarWorks, click on Student Publications, type your keywords and hit Go.

For non-AUB thesis/dissertation/projects, search in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. 

Thesis Help

For Research Support, Thesis Formatting and Deposit, check out the Thesis Writing Hub

For questions or help with formatting and depositing your thesis, email​, or call ext. 2140, 2164, 2165​​