SPARC defines Open Educational Resources (OERs) as teaching, learning and research resources, released under an open license, that permits their free use and re-purposing by others. Categories of OER:
Materials that are under full copyright, or which are not accompanied by a specific license allowing anyone to copy, adapt and share them, are not Open Educational Resources. You can use these materials only within fair use provisions or copyright exceptions. As with all online content, be sure to read the License or Attribution or Rights section to determine licensing and use restrictions before you use any resource.
Play below videos for more:
An Introduction to Open Educational Resources
3 Minute Teaching With Technology Tutorial - Open Educational Resources
Searches more than 20 OER repositories simultaneously including OER Commons, OASIS, and MERLOT.
Find Resources by Type
OER by Discipline
The Google ‘advanced search’, Settings, lets you search by ‘usage rights’ for content published to the Internet under an open license.
See the "big list" for even more places to look for OER.
Courses & Video Tutorials
The OpenCourseWare (OCW) movement began in the United States with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2002. It is mostly focused on making the educational course materials that have been created by faculty available outside of the institution. Materials can include syllabi, written lectures, assignments, readings, videotaped lectures, and audio lectures.
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Searching an OER Repository can result in a faster and more productive search experience since the resources have been curated and organized into various categories including discipline, format, and open license. Many repositories have either peer reviews or a rating scale where users have shared their perception or experience with the resource.