Rizk, Ramez. ‘Amiliyat: Qisas min Jabal ‘Amil. Tales from Jabal ‘Amil. Beirut: Dar al-Wala’ lil Tiba‘a wa-al-Nasher, 2001.A collection of short stories covering some aspects of life in Jabal ‘Amil. The collection opens with an Introduction on the historical, geographical and religious background of Jabal ‘Amil. These stories passed on orally in the Jabal and were collected by the author. They portray the ordinary lives of the ‘Amilis, their lived realities and their society. The stories move from an era to another, starting from folktales relied from the times of Sultans, then moves
over several centuries reaching the French Mandate, until it touches contemporary times of the ‘Amili society, a “dynamic but religiously conservative society at the same time,” as these collections of stories would reveal. It is a depository of tales having sultans, Sufis, Gendarmerie, Katatib, the memories of Safar Barlik, the relation between what is now southern Lebanese villages and northern Palestinian villages, British Army patrols, and the Nabatieh-Beirut bus line, which reveal to us the changing social and political realities of Jabal ‘Amil over the last few centuries, more importantly the last few decades.