The ArDT “Architecture Design Theses” (previously EPsn) are part of the ARCH 508/509 (Advanced Studio Thesis I & II) six-credit courses. The GDRP “Graphic Design Research Projects” (recently GDSP) are part of the GD 406/407 (Final Project Design and Research I & II) four-credit course and six-credit courses respectively. Effective May 2019, the project of depositing and preserving the ArDT and GDRP projects in the AUB Libraries’ Archives, and adding them to the AUB library catalog (in a procedure similar to the LDEM Capstone FYP projects, and to the Graduate theses) is being reinitiated in an effort to preserve students’ work, and provide access to them for future generations of students and scholars.
The submission is fully online; a print copy is no longer required.
The overall purpose is to: a) preserve the students’ important contributions to research and knowledge producing efforts at the university; b) provide access to the projects; and c) clarify and unify the procedures to deposit these projects at the AUB Libraries. The below guidelines help ensure that all students’ senior projects are preserved and added to the library system in a timely, accurate and consistent manner, thus allowing the AUB community to have access to and benefit from the students’ unique work and contributions to their field of study.
Depositing a copy of the thesis is a prerequisite for graduation. AUB libraries is responsible for receiving, cataloguing, preserving and providing access to the architecture and design projects.
In order to ensure the long-term preservation of and access to the ArDT and GDRP projects, it is advised that each graduating student deposits at the library directly.
Step 1: Students should first e-mail their whole thesis as a PDF file to their advisors for final approval.
Step 2: Once the final approval is received, students should then sign the Thesis/Project Release Form and get the Thesis/Project Approval Form signed by the advisor(s) (both can be signed electronically or by hand). As a final step, the student should deposit the work in AUB ScholarWorks as a complete PDF file including the preliminary content listed below and both forms signed.
Upon completion of submission to the Library, an online receipt will be submitted by the Library to the Office of the Registrar confirming the latter.
The thesis should be made up of the following three parts: Preliminary pages, body or text, and end pages. Each of these parts may be subdivided into sections and subsections, clearly reflected in the table of contents:
a. The preliminary pages should be ordered as follows:
b. The body should include:
Chapter titles and contents, including visuals, maps, etc. and documentation of final physical products (in the cases of physical items such as models, prototypes and other items produced for presentation purposes).
c. The end pages should include:
In case of audio-visual items, they can be submitted to ScholarWorks as accompanying material and should be in the following format/specs (with maximum file size = 500MB):
Please note that it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the PDF and any additional content are readable and not too heavy in size (with the maximum size of a PDF being 40MB).
The Thesis/Project Release Form must be signed and dated by the student when the thesis/project copy is deposited at the library's repository ScholarWorks. Please include this form in the PDF file submitted to library, checking one of the boxes as appropriate. Once done, sign and date.
The compiled PDF and any additional content should be named properly, following the naming convention set on ScholarWorks: LastNameFirstName_PublicationYear (i.e. RahmeDalal_2020) and LastNameFirstName_year_DocTitle... for the accompanying material.
It is advisable for the faculty member coordinating and overseeing the ArDT and GDRP projects for that semester to ensure the following:
The Library staff catalogs the projects and creates a bibliographic record for each (and a link for projects to which online access has been approved) in the Library Catalog. Catalogued projects will be discoverable through the Library Catalog; those authorized will be accessible through a digital link. The projects can also be accessed through ScholarWorks.