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Arabic Language and Literature: Articles

This guide is intended to help you know more about Library and Internet resources in the area of Arabic Language and Literature. Use this guide as your starting point, come to the Library or Ask a Librarian for more resources and help.

Find Scholarly articles in Library Databases


Use the Library databases to search for articles. Databases collect and index a big number of journals running through long time periods. Databases offer searching features that help you find what you need using and combining keywords, and limiting your search by type and date of publication. See Search Techniques.

Start your search using subject databases, then use Multidisciplinary databases for a broader coverage.

In most databases you can access the articles in full text, or link to the full text from a different source. 

Subject Databases

Arabic Databases

Open Access Databases

Multidisciplinary Databases

Use SearchAll to search across databases and find articles, books, conference papers, e-reserves, & more

Search Summon for articles, books & more


Try the following multidisciplinary databases, they cover a big number of journals from different fields of knowledge:


Use Journal Finder to find articles in a particular journal:

Locate individual journals

Click here for a list of Selected Journals