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Tools for Patients

This libguide aims to collect reliable and uptodate resources that patients can easily understand, and thereby help them achieve better health.

Some reliable resources are listed below.

Click onto get the Mobile App instructions of the resources.

Open Access (OA)  MedlinePlus also in Arabic

Open Access (OA)  HealthReach also in Arabic 

Open Access (OA)  About Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products Open Access (OA)  PRODIGY Patient

Open Access (OA)  National Center for Complementary &                                    Integrative Health:Herbs at a Glance

Open Access (OA)  Patient Care and Health Information also in Arabic

Open Access (OA) healthdirect also in Arabic

Open Access (OA)  National Institute on Aging


 Open Access (OA) Genetics Home Reference

Open Access (OA)  National Center for Complementary                       & Integrative Health: Health Topics   

Open Access (OA)  Lab Tests Online: Patient Resources

                            (to better understand laboratory tests, conditions/diseases,

                            and health screenings)

Open Access (OA)

For more information check the below resources from the "Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality"


Also do not forget to look into Patient Education Materials and Patient Education leaflets done in both English and Arabic languages by the patient education department at AUBMC.

Click on to get to the Mobile App instructions of the resources

Earl, M. F. (2019). The Medical Library Association Guide to Developing Consumer Health Collections. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA107(2), 272.

last updated Jun 3, 2020