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Lebanon: a Bibliography: The War & After

This guide provides a bibliography related to the Lebanese civil war.


C. E. (2010). Les mémoires des acteurs de la guerre: Le conflit revisité par ses protagonists (M. & V., Eds.). In Mémoires de guerres au Liban (pp. 25-46). Paris, Sinbad.


Hudson, M. (1976). The Lebanese Crisis: The Limits of Consociational Democracy. Journal of Palestine Studies, (3/4), 109-122.DOI: 10.2307/2536018.

Farsoun, S.  & Carroll, W. (1976). The civil war in lebanon: Sect, class, and imperialism. Monthly Review 28(2).Retrieved from

Chamie, J. (1976). The Lebanese civil war: An investigation into the causes. World Affairs, 139(3), 171-188. Retrieved from

Nasr, S. (1978). Backdrop to Civil War: The crisis of Lebanese capitalism. MERIP Reports 73, 3-13. doi:1.DOI: 10.2307/3012262

Farsoun, S. & Carroll, W. (1976). The civil war in Lebanon: Sect, class, and imperialism. Monthly Review 28(2).  Retrived from

Muir, J. (1984). Lebanon: Arena of Conflict, Crucible of Peace. Middle East Journal, 38(2), 204-219. Retrieved from

Thornton, C. (2014). Letter from Lebanon. Oxford Journals, 122(2), 283-294. doi:10.1353/sew.2014.0064

Nasr, S. (1978). Backdrop to Civil War: The Crisis of Lebanese CapitalismMERIP Reports, (73), 3-13. doi:1. Retrieved from doi:1

West Beirut/West beyrouth. (1999, Aug 01). Sight and Sound, 9, 56. Retrieved from

Barclay, S. T. (2007). Performing memory, violence, identity, and the politics of the present with UMAM(Unpublished doctoral dissertation). American University of Beirut, Dept. of Social and Behavioral Sciences.
