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Civil and Environmental Engineering

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Selected Encyclopedias and Handbooks

A good place to start your research are encyclopedias and handbooks.   

Books and Ebooks

Use the Library Catalog to find books and other materials. 


Recommended Article Databases​

Search in a Citation Database

Scopus and Web of Science  are two bibliographic multidisciplinary citation databases:

Master and PhD Thesis

AUB Thesis

To access AUB Thesis, use the library catalog Advanced Search and limit to material type Dissertation and/or Thesis:

e.g. Reinforced Concrete

You can check the list of Civil and Environmental Engineering Theses Here

Non-AUB Thesis

Use ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global to find dissertations and theses from over 1,000 accredited colleges and universities in North America and Europe.

Cite Your Sources

Cite Your Sources is a guide to help you: