The following works are seminal and can serve as primary references of the different types of Arabic dictionaries, especially from historical or classical texts.
This is considered the first Arabic dictionary ever compiled. It organized words by their phonetic structure. Words are classified by sounds, rather than traditional alphabetical order.
Provides a foundation for classical lexicography in Arabic, with a focus on including correct Araic words only. Alphabetical arrangement according to the last letter.
It explains the meaning of a word and its use in literary expressions using examples from literary Arabic sayings. Arranged alphabetical according to the first letter.
One of the biggest dictionnaries making it an encylpedia of Arabic language. It refers to major books of language and literature. Follows the aphabetical arrangement accoding to the last letter. Alphabetical aarangement according to the last letter
Includes all the terms in Lisan al Arab without the examples and references. He paid a special attention to names of places and people. Alphabetical arrangement according to the last letter.
Divided into 370 subjects based on expressions of compunds words no single terms.
اعتنى بضبطه وتصحيحه أحد الآباء اليسوعيين، مدرس البيان في كلية القديس يو شيخو
The first comprehensive book on Arabic grammar, delving into syntax, morphology, and linguistic principles. It remains a cornerstone of Arabic grammatical studies representing the Basra school.
: A monumental work in the history of Arabic grammar. It builds on the foundations laid by Sībawayh but offers additional insights and refinements, particularly in terms of grammatical hierarchy and structure.
لإنصاف في مسائل الخلاف (Fairness in Disputed Issues), is a key work in Arabic grammar and linguistics. Written by أبو البركات الأنباري (Abu al-Barakat al-Anbari), a renowned scholar in the 12th century, the book examines the differences between two prominent schools of grammar: the Basran and Kufan schools.
Ibn Mālik’s Alfiyya is a didactic poem of 1,000 verses that summarizes the essential rules of Arabic grammar and syntax. It became one of the most widely taught texts in Arabic linguistic studies, with countless commentaries written on it
The focus of this work is on the "fasih" (pure and correct) forms of Arabic words and expressions. Despite its brevity, الفصيح has had a lasting impact on Arabic linguistic studies and remains a standard text for studying the Arabic language.
The Blooming in the Sciences of Language and Types) comprehensive encyclopedia on the various branches of Arabic language discussed by previous scholars.