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Sociology: Articles

This guide is intended to help you know more about Library and Internet resources in the area of Social Sciences. Use this guide as your starting point, come to the Library or Ask a Librarian for more resources and help.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

What Are Peer-Reviewed Articles?
As part of the publication process, articles in scholarly journals are reviewed by committees of other notable scholars. Such reviewers are considered to be the writer's peers.

Finding Peer-Reviewed Articles?

When searching for articles in a general database look for the "limit your search" options. Most databases provide "limit to peer-reviewd journals" option.

See Tutorial  Peer Review in 5 minutes North Carolina State University Libraries.  July 10, 2009  [5:11 minutes]

Find Newspaper Articles

Arabic Databases

Preprint Servers

Find Articles

Use the Library databases to search for articles. Databases collect and index a big number of journals running through long time periods. They offer searching features that help you find what you need using and combining keywords, limiting your search by type of publication or date and other search techniques.

In most cases you can access the articles in full text, or link to the full text from a different source.  

Social Science Databases

Library Databases

Related Databases

Multidisicplinary Databases

Find Journals

I. Use Journal Finder to:

Locate individual journals

III. Selected list of print / electronic journals on Social Sciences.

IV. List of Open Access Journals:

V. Sociology E-journals by Subject:

Find Full-text for Citation

If you have the citation of an article, use Citation Linker 
go to Journal Finder and type the journal name to see if the library has the full-text of the article.