This guide is intended to help you learn about the Lebanese writer and scholar Boutros al Boustani [Butrus al-Bustani] (1819-1883). It serves as a starting points to find resources for searching the life of Al-Boustani, publications about and by him, his contribution to the society, tributes to him, as well as bicentennial and some celebratory events.
This guide is a collaborative work between the Head of Reference and Instruction Services at Jafet Library Nabila Shehabeddine and Dr. Rana H. Issa, Assistant Professor in Translation Studies at the Department of English at AUB and also an affiliates with the Department of Arabic and Near Eastern Languages. Among Dr. Issa published works is the article "The Arabic Language and Syro-Lebanese National Identity: Searching in Buṭrus al-Bustānī’s Muḥīṭ al-Muḥīṭ."