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ORCID: Create your Unique Digital Identifier

A quick guide to AUB affiliates about ORCID, how to create an ORCID ID, and how this can help in solving the name ambiguity problem in research and scholarly communications


Create  your ORCID ID as an AUB Affiliate

First time user?

Follow the below steps to create your ORCID AUB institutional account.

  1. Access ORCID
  2. Choose Institutional account
  3. Look for American University of Beirut & click on it
  4. Log-in with your AUBNet account credentials
  5. Register and create a new account
  6. Click on "Authorize" to give your institution permission to access your profile.

N.B: keep the checkbox “Allow this permission until I revoke it” selected.


Already have a personal account?

Previous personal account holders need to follow the below steps to link their personal account with their institutional account (AUB).

  1. Access ORCID
  2. Choose Institutional account
  3. Look for American University of Beirut 
  4. Click on American University of Beirut
  5. Log-in with your AUBNet account credentials
  6. Select "Already have an account" or "Link my existing ORCID ID"
  7. Sign into your personal account
  8. Click on "Authorize" to give your institution permission to access your profile.

Not affiliated with AUB anymore?

Your ORCID ID is tied to you and not to the institution you are affiliated with.

You don't need to create a new ORCID ID, you only need to link again your new institution with your personal account.

Use your ORCID ID

Display your ORCID ID in your CVs, emails, webpages, business cards & public profiles.

Include your ORCID ID when applying for grants and when submitting your publications.

Enable auto-updated from other systems like Research ID, Scopus ID and Crossref in order to keep your record updated.


Include in your account all your name variations, emails, education, affiliations, funders & publications. 

Remove all typos & spelling mistakes.